Sacagawea Dollars

I recently saw a website that had information related to Sacagawea Dollars mintages. What caught my attention is that it had mintages by year, mint, strike, and type. Unfortunately, I can find the website. Have you seen such site? is something similar to this one
Best one is
No need to look for another.
I have researched but does not have the link I saw with the specific info
Replied in your other thread,
Was it this one?
Sacagawea Dollars - Complete Guide to Sacagawea Dollar Coins
It's part of the My Coin Guides, one of the best sites for mintages and special releases around, for just about every US coin made. That I've found, anyway.
Thank you for the response but no is not. It is driving me crazy because I thought i knew everything about sacs and this site threw a curveball. It laid out every mintage for type A & B. I didnt know there were type A and Bs!