LOOKING TO BUY Wheat pennies
Posts: 392 ✭✭✭✭
Looking for bulk circulated wheat pennies as well as uncirculated rolls. Not looking for high end , just wanting to finish a couple of albums with the best I can afford . P.M. me with what you got.
Bob Sr CEO Fieldtechs
Bob I have a baggie with maybe 2-3 rolls worth, I'll send you some pics when I get home
It would cost more to ship than the actual cost of the coins
Bob Sr CEO Fieldtechs
Sent a PM sir
1500 for sale here...... https://www.facebook.com/david.westerman.39?tn=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARByx1LCw9Oce7ztxYrAOB5sOY6x5_ksnBlSo835QSnZPu8XpOuRAdM8qbJKE9PcCDf7F9_a2SuSCx4H&hc_ref=ARRHdStZH59WBvu7RW1fFRDD_WDiJmKxXx87kDIdCnC5QXvEv9wUpgb1bAf4ehL3F44&fref=nf
Bob have a 5000 count bag for sale(1909-1958) bulk or rolls $ 2.50 roll.