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Should PCGS and NGC agree to use identical slabs?



  • ashelandasheland Posts: 23,104 ✭✭✭✭✭

    No doubt the newest PCGS holders are the best.

  • JJSingletonJJSingleton Posts: 1,400 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Who would benefit?...collectors. Storage and transportation of coins would be greatly improved with a smaller common size holder.

    Who would be hurt?...no one, except maybe some bruised corporate egos of those who think they have the better slab. Fact is, other than the kool-aid drinkers on this forum, collectors really don't care about the physical plastic. Just the paid opinion and the coin itself.

    Joseph J. Singleton - First Superintendent of the U.S. Branch Mint in Dahlonega Georgia

    Findley Ridge Collection
    About Findley Ridge

  • GRANDAMGRANDAM Posts: 8,465 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @RogerB said:
    Holders are a central part of each company's marketing/branding strategy. Using a common holder would not benefit either company, although it would make storage of plastic easier for collectors and sellers.

    Storage is easy,,,,,,, just buy 1 brand of holder. :o

    GrandAm :)

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