Custom Registry Set - Key Dates

I have been working on making a key date custom registry set. I want to eliminate condition rarities as well as follow the other rules listed. I do NOT need a coin from each series if it is not truly a key date (1949-S 10C)
let me know what needs taken out or added....
transactions with cucamongacoin, FHC, mtinis, bigjpst, Rob41281, toyz4geo, erwindoc, add your name here!!!
You will need to provide a list of series to be included. I presume it is the more widely collected 19th and 20th century likely excluding gold.
link to NGC website requiring login not helpful...
Thanks for looking for it. Sorry I was not smart enough to see what I was doin.,. Here is an image of my plans
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Roosevelt Registry
transactions with cucamongacoin, FHC, mtinis, bigjpst, Rob41281, toyz4geo, erwindoc, add your name here!!!
No 16-D Mercury?
I pretty much ruined this whole post. however it came with the stipulation that every coin on the list has to be available for less than $500 in any grade. I am sorry this turned into something terrible...:)
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Roosevelt Registry
transactions with cucamongacoin, FHC, mtinis, bigjpst, Rob41281, toyz4geo, erwindoc, add your name here!!!
I remember discussing this subject with you previously but you have now refined your list. Here are my comments on your current list:
1924-D cent: Not a key date and no more of a semi-key than many other dates.
1912-S nickel: Don't really consider this one a key date either though I rate it a semi-key.
Buffalo nickels: I would only include the 1926-S and the 3-legged. The latter isn't really necessary for a complete set but most include it by tradition.
Jefferson nickels: There are no key dates in this series. The 1950-D used to be considered one decades ago when it used to be difficult to find in circulation.
Barber dimes: The last time I checked your list, only the 95-O seems to qualify.
Mercury dimes: I would remove the 1926. Never heard it is a key date.
FDR dimes: There are no key dates in this series. Every date/MM combination is common and the 1982 No P is either an error or a die variety.
Barber quarters: 1897-S is a semi-key by my definition. You have excluded the 96-S, 01-S and 13-S due to price.
SLQ: I would include the 27-S and remove the three listed.
Washington quarter: I would add the 32-S while removing the 34-D and 36-D
SQ: The coin listed is either an error or a die variety, not a key date.
Barber half: I don't consider any a key date but maybe collectors of this series do.
WLH: I only consider the 1921 P-D-S to be key. Others such as the 1919-D is either a semi-key or "in grade". Not aware the latter coin is scarcer in lower grades, except with a narrow eye appeal.
1964 half: Same comments as 2004 quarter.
Morgan dollars: By my definition, only the 1889-CC and 1893-S. There are multiple semi-keys such as those listed.
Peace dollars: I believe the 1921 is more of a key than the 1924-S. I don't consider any to be key except in grade.
1972 Ike: This is also a die variety, not a key date. I know it is included in sets but the only logical reason for it (and the other widely collected varieties) is the set is otherwise short and extremely easy to buy.
i> @WCC said:
I appreciate this feedback from a collector who knows far more than I. I have updated my list which includes the removal of quite a few based on your recommendations. There are a few I am still looking at to see if I want to keep. I will post my next list soon.
Thanks again
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Roosevelt Registry
transactions with cucamongacoin, FHC, mtinis, bigjpst, Rob41281, toyz4geo, erwindoc, add your name here!!!
I would classify the 24-D lincoln as a semi key.