Has anyone been able to get PSA to change a grade before it was shipped back?
I don't have a card at the moment, but I was contemplating sending in some Wacky Packages from the 16th series. All the cards are nearly perfect, with the exception being the centering on some. I was going to just pick the nicest centered ones, until I saw this listing https://www.ebay.com/itm/1977-Wacky-Packages-Rare-16th-Series-Old-Grand-Mom-PSA-7/192678317810?hash=item2cdc85cef2:g:iVUAAOSwScJa13Th . Now, if that falls into PSA 7 parameters, then mine should be easy 8 or 9. My question is if someone's otherwise mint card is graded a 7 because of centering, would you have any luck in bringing this example to their attention to see how they could justify not giving you a higher grade. This is not a terribly valuable card, but just for the sake of argument. Thanks for any experiences, Tom
That 7 looks worse than it is because the lip at the bottom of the holder is blocking some of the bottom edge.
In my experience, they are very strict with centering on PSA 9s. If it is any worse than 60/40 forget it. Sometimes you will see an 8 that is worse than expected (70/30ish) but mostly 65/35 or better. Bear in mind that with wackys the interpretation of proper centering varies from grader to grader, though they have gotten a little more consistent.
But no, they will not be convinced to increase a grade based on being shown “comps.”
Thanks Dave. This is actually the card I was trying to point out https://www.ebay.com/itm/1977-Wacky-Packages-Rare-16th-Series-Old-Grand-Mom-PSA-7-/192678317810?nordt=true&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m43663.l44720 . I know that you explained how they can have different interpretations with respect to the copyright and centering, but this one just seems too o/c, even considering a hair might be tucked under the plastic.