1954 photo pack of 500 players
Posts: 340 ✭✭✭
Hi, anyone know where I can look these up or a name for the set?
I'm interested in 480 & 483-495 (whatever all the golfers are).
Whoa, nice find. Has the pre-rookie Bill Russell in that set.
Thanx for the info
Interesting! Do you have the full set? I’d be really interested in a couple football ones:
192 Dick Lane
222 Dick Stanfel
250 Bob St. Clair
Mind posting additional pics?
nice item...where the heck does one find that set, inquiring mind would love to know..:)
was in a group of magazines at a card show
Those are really a great find.
I had a complete set except for the baseball players. They're printed on glossy paper and the images are mostly pirated from other sources. I sold the uncut sheets of football players years back and the jackhole buyer claimed they were fake and ended up keeping the sheets and the money. I was steamed. Didn't go on eBay for almost two years. Still the only neg I've ever received.
Luckily, I still have the basketball players, boxers, and I think one or two golfers that linger on one of the sheets. But if anyone comes across someone with the football sheets that have the players names written vertically in pencil next to each photo, please contact me so I can fart in an envelope and mail it to that SOB.