find a buyer for this note

I'm trying to find a buyer for my never seen before 100$
note. it has a star on the bottom right low corner by the 100. The star is a typo from the bureau of engraving and printing in Texas. This
is a one of a kind note.
I would argue that it appears to be a chop mark and applied post BEP.
That’s the silliest thing I have ever seen.
Steve is right.
This mark was applied by a banker overseas (likely Middle East or Asia) to authenticate the note. Counterfeits are a much bigger problem outside the U.S. where many $100s circulate and many $100s are countermarked to assure authenticity.
You have a genuine $100 note. It has no value above face value. Spend it. That's the sure way to get what it's worth-$100.
Chop marks see them all the time SPENDER
12345678 or 87654321