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1883 0 Branch Mint proof



  • RogerBRogerB Posts: 8,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 23, 2018 9:55AM

    RE: "Yes the New Orleans mint produced proofs in 1883..."

    No, this is false. Only the Philadelphia Mint had equipment to produce proof coins.....But that's been stated before. :)

    As for the OP's coin: it is not a proof, it never was a proof, and it never will be a proof. Calling the coin something it is not, will not make it that thing; neither will copying lots of text "prove" the coin is what it is not.

    That the OP is being stubborn in the face of contrary facts is a common reaction when beliefs - even simple things such as this - are challenged. Rather than call the OP names, I suggest members be patient and give the OP space to eventually recognize the coin for what it is, not for what he wishes it will become. ;)

  • Insider2Insider2 Posts: 14,452 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @jmlanzaf said:
    This is one of the twistiest trollings yet. He keeps quoting sources about a coin that is NOT the one he has, posting pictures of coins that are NOT the one he has, and that is somehow supposed to validate the one he has - even though the die diagnostics don't line up.

    Look, we are dealing with a well-connected researcher here who must have a BMP. He fooled me, but I'm stupid.

  • RegulatedRegulated Posts: 2,992 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I recently dealt with a guy who had an entire box of these - someone at my company took them on consignment, after he described them as BMP - none were even remotely close, but he'd produced an entire booklet to go along with them.

    What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake
  • OwenSeymourOwenSeymour Posts: 368 ✭✭✭✭

    Step 1 - ask people for opinion
    Step 2 - deny their opinion when it isn't what you wanted to hear


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