For ancient design - Dionysos relaxing, inebriated, holding a kantharos, facing left as his donkey bears him right towards a crow on an ivy branch. The whole story is lost to antiquity, but it must have been some party... Mende, Macedon.
Was searching heritage for an example of a Zurich city view taler as I've always loved the design and I just noticed the same design is on this 10 ducat gold restrike as well but must be super rare (this one sold for $114k). So cool
This is the unofficial Australian dollar coin, designed by the Australian Andor Meszaros (who came to Australia just before WW2) and minted privately (by John Pinches) after the design was rejected for minting by Australian governmental authorities. According to what I have read, it came in silver specimen uncirculated with a milled edge (1500 copies), silver proof with a plain edge (750 copies) and in gold (10 copies). I have seen the proof and uncirculated versions in auctions over the past several years, going for low 4 figures.
Similar to Corinth, but from Syracuse:
1934 British crown - only 932 struck! Wow!
Very nice !!!
Gothic Crown?
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
My avatar. Shows the actual Pillars from the Pillar Dollar.
Hard time naming a favorite. This is in the running, however:
The Schaffhausen ram is so intriguing.
Gothic Florin for me, but the Canadian gold 5 & 10 dollar pieces are pretty attractive!
My YouTube Channel
Mine only example:

My YouTube Channel
--Severian the Lame
That's a tough question but I'd probably pick the Knossos Labyrinth, of which I have a nicely styled stater.
I knew what Weiss would post!
It is one of my favorites, too, so I will post another.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
The pillars, globes and crown have always been #1 in my dark side.
CAR coinage...
That's tough - so many wonderful designs to pick from... If I had to choose one, it would have to be Wyon's Una and the Lion
8 Reales Madness Collection
Hard to argue with this - one of my "white whale" coins would be the silver decimal pattern version (current young queen on the obverse):
Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association
My avatar. Never saw one before. Glommed it quick!

I have quite a few favorites but today I choose this one.
@jgenn - cool coin. Here are some smaller horses:
I think I like the Wildmen best right now.

But also like the Roty design:

Obviously, I can be indecisive!
My current "Box of 20"
I don't own this one but love the design.

How about a modern:
Anything with Saint George and the dragon works for me.
Conder Token Gallery
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Medieval Venice & modern Albania speak rather loud imo
For ancient design - Dionysos relaxing, inebriated, holding a kantharos, facing left as his donkey bears him right towards a crow on an ivy branch. The whole story is lost to antiquity, but it must have been some party... Mende, Macedon.

Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association
Great designs here!
Here are a couple I really enjoy, and deserve notice for their beauty IMO.
My sets: [280+ horse coins] :: [France Sowers] :: [Colorful world copper] :: [Beautiful world coins]
That MS 62 looks undergraded !
Nice coin.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
And then there's young Victoria by Wyon (Penny Black).
Conder Token Gallery
I love the elephant on the obverse and the reverse with the kings crown flanked by umbrellas.
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
There is one thing common to all: exceptional handcraft!
Latin American Collection
Not only handcraft, it's Art!
Japanese Flower Girl in Silver.
Was searching heritage for an example of a Zurich city view taler as I've always loved the design and I just noticed the same design is on this 10 ducat gold restrike as well but must be super rare (this one sold for $114k). So cool
Here is mine.
I would add the following:
This is the unofficial Australian dollar coin, designed by the Australian Andor Meszaros (who came to Australia just before WW2) and minted privately (by John Pinches) after the design was rejected for minting by Australian governmental authorities. According to what I have read, it came in silver specimen uncirculated with a milled edge (1500 copies), silver proof with a plain edge (750 copies) and in gold (10 copies). I have seen the proof and uncirculated versions in auctions over the past several years, going for low 4 figures.
In any case, a terrific design in my view.
This would be my favorite, unfortunately it isn't my coin....

Crystal palace award medal by Pinches.

Conder Token Gallery
He was an amazing medalist! Look at the scrollwork on the doors!
8 Reales Madness Collection
Is that your medal? I thought it absolutely beautiful but it brought more than I was willing to part with....
Well, just Love coins, period.
One of my favorit ancient coins: Attika, Ahtena/Owl 160 BC. 16,37 g/31 mm
Yes, but it's not the DNW Kenefick example which went ballistic.
Conder Token Gallery
One of my favourite ancients from Gallia Belgica, a potin.
In terms of artistic appeal, I just have to point this one out!
From 1619, this is quite the fearsome British Lion: