SALE: Euros + GBP + Canadian + Australian + NZD + Japan Yen - Foreign coins for exchange
I have mixed coin lots of the following currencies, looking to exchange (for less than rates)
Euros - 383.50
CAD - 593
Swiss - 78.65
AUD - 40
NZD - 19.50
GBP - 46.70
Singapore - 33
Japan - 5,250
South Korea - 20,000
Hoping to get as close to posted rates as possible, 10% under would be great etc
Good deals with KollectorKing, ChrisRx, Tookybandit, LukeMarshall, and Ajaan! On cointalk, Histman, Sakata, Blisskr, and a few others!
P.M. sent please elucidate
Bob Sr CEO Fieldtechs