Scanning PCGS slabs with flatbed scanner

Is anyone here able to successfully scan PCGS slabs with a flatbed scanner? My old Cannon MF3110 did an adequate job but it has stopped working. My new scanner (Cannon MF3420d) gives me blurry results. I suspect due to the coins in the slab not being flat on the glass, but obviously the old scanner handled that OK.
I don't need a lecture or any comments about using a camera or alternate methods. If you use a scanner and get decent results please tell me the make and model. Or, if you know why my MF3110 works and the MF3420d doesn't, I'd appreciate that insight. Otherwise, please move on...
Here's an example of an image from my MF3110 which is adequate for my purposes:
Thanks in advance!
I like it. Looks like a great job to me. JMHO !!!
I just scanned these this AM. I use a Epson V330, I think I bought it a few days after Moses came down off the mountain.
I used those 2 coins because they were sitting on my desk.
coinJP, Outhaul ,illini420,MICHAELDIXON, Fade to Black,epcjimi1,19Lyds,SNMAN,JerseyJoe, bigjpst, DMWJR , lordmarcovan, Weiss,Mfriday4962,UtahCoin,Downtown1974,pitboss,RichieURich,Bullsitter,JDsCoins,toyz4geo,jshaulis, mustanggt, SNMAN, MWallace, ms71, lordmarcovan
Here are the images
coinJP, Outhaul ,illini420,MICHAELDIXON, Fade to Black,epcjimi1,19Lyds,SNMAN,JerseyJoe, bigjpst, DMWJR , lordmarcovan, Weiss,Mfriday4962,UtahCoin,Downtown1974,pitboss,RichieURich,Bullsitter,JDsCoins,toyz4geo,jshaulis, mustanggt, SNMAN, MWallace, ms71, lordmarcovan
It's an optics problem. The focus of most flatbed scanners is the glass surface. By design there's no depth of focus. You need a higher end scanner designed for solid objects.
Well as I said, one model of Cannon scanner works and the other doesn't. Is there a name for the specification or feature that allows the MF3110 to work? It is not a high end scanner, it's a cheap multifunction printer/fax/scanner but it is old.
Thank you! Maybe I just need to get one of these... That looks pretty good.
It's a "depth of field" or "depth of focus" problem. I googled "scanner with good depth of field" and it gave me a bunch of links.
Thank you, I have the answer I'm looking for I believe. I think the trick is a scanner with a CCD sensor rather than a CIS. My blurry scanner has the CIS, the Epson above has a CCD sensor.
This is correct. You need a scanner with the CCD sensor.
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Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
Epson Perfection V370 Photo - Flatbed scanner $129
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Please let us know how this works,,,,, when I used a scanner the color was always off.
Epson V600 is my scanner of choice. I mainly use it for PSA cards, but I recently used it to scan a few slabs to see what it would do. Here are some examples.
My signature has a guide I created for scanning PSA cards. It also mostly applies to PCGS coins.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Those are some of the best looking scanner images I've seen. I've always been an Epson fan, both printers and scanners.
Thanks @jtlee321
I scanned these at 600dpi to jpg. No post processing at all. Direct from the scanner and posted here.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Do you scan with the lid open or closed?
Always lid open in a dark room. See my guide I’m my signature for PSA slabs. Basically the same process, but at 600 dpi.
Edit: I also turned on “show texture” in the settings
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Good info,,,,,,
Excellent pictures
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
How does the color on Blast White coins come out?
Some of them I've used show some luster and eye appeal, but not as good as photography set ups or even quality smart phones.
Good question. Here is a proof blast white coin. I don’t have any circulation strikes at the moment. The reflections make these a little challenging. I would expect it to do better on a circulation strike.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
CCD --
"CCD stands for Charged Coupled Device. In essence, this is the same type of imaging sensor found inside a digital camera. CCD uses an actual lens to reduce the full image onto the imaging sensor. This method is great for capturing high resolution details along with a wide color space."
"It is because of the fine detail in the CCD type scanner that makes it the scanner of choice for higher resolutions graphics and artistic applications. Another benefit to CCD scanning is a greater depth of field."
CIS --
"Contact Imaging Sensor (CIS) is the other type of scanning technology versus CCD. Instead of using a standard lens to reduce the original image onto the sensor, CIS technology incorporates many fiber optic lenses to transfer the original image information to an array of sensors."
"Poor depth of field of the optics, fold line and wrinkles will image with CIS. Also, there is a reduction of color space information with CIS. Unless you want to capture mainly primary colors, CIS could leave you wanting a little more."
I love buying scanned coins