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Taking a hard U turn, I now eagerly anticipate Tiger Wood's 19th Major victory.

CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

Truly a man of eloquence and wisdom.



  • DarinDarin Posts: 7,325 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Did you try to find the most boring conversation in history or did it somehow just fall into your lap?
    Why post stuff like that? You just like starting threads, right?

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Masters in 2020 should be number 19. Nicklaus will still be remembered...sort of!

  • DarinDarin Posts: 7,325 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nicklaus will always be remembered best, by himself.

  • DarinDarin Posts: 7,325 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Coinstartled- you now have 11 victories yourself on the main page. Threads started.
    I don't know how many of them are major championships, but I'm going to guess zero?

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭


  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,598 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm still puzzled as to why the ratings at ESPN continue to go into the tank.

    Actually...i'm not.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Mollie gets it right at 5:05.

  • DIMEMANDIMEMAN Posts: 22,403 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Never happen!

  • bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 10,282 ✭✭✭✭✭

    the first guy ranting sucks. If you want to here white people lecture you about racism can't you just turn to CNN or MSNBC ? I mean I don't expect the weather channel to give me box scores. I don't see why a sports channel can't stick to like seriously , scores. I don't need a panel opining on how a golfer likes the president too much or not enough. How is he hitting the ball?

    ESPN is like MTV . When MTV started it was music all day , now theres no music . Literally none, like idiots living in a house together , or pregnant 15 year olds , or shows about fake internet boyfriends , what does the M in MTV stand for now?
    What is the SP in ESPN for? Do the people on these panel shows think anyone likes them or cares for their opinion? You know what ? Give us your opinion of why he can't win. If you actually know anything about golf I mean. Because I really don't know much about golf so my own opinion based on nothing is about as useful then as these people.

    Stop with the whole "TV personality" thing , like its a thing. No one cares . Just fold up the tent its over. Cable TV is dead

  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,286 ✭✭✭✭✭

    coin stirring the political & golf pots concurrently

    geez your arms must be beyond fatigued

    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey Galaxy, I am now on Team Eldrick. Maybe together we can will him a win!

  • bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 10,282 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 28, 2018 12:04PM

    To expand on my earlier point , who are these people on ESPN anyway? Steven A smith? I think hes an actor. When he does a bit its basically rehearsed and scripted. I no longer feel like most of these people are using their own words or opinions its like they are literally actors. They speak , they inflect , they are taking direction like actors on a stage. Today they are pro Tiger because its in the script, tomorrow the script says they are against tiger.

    Where did they get the idea that was wanted by anyone? Former athletes can be TV personalities by virtue of their playing history. You assume some insight they have from years of experience playing the game , when they are on air discussing sports they have genuine knowledge .

    I blame idiots like Chris Berman. He had a schtick , these networks thought oh this is novel people like this get more of this. Because that's all they can do , is to turn the volume knob up. To be like Howard Stern , outrageous. Everyone has to amplify to score points over the other guy. They forget though that the viewers like actual sports . That what they do is fluff , filler between live game action. They are in front of camera because theres no game . They start to think its about them, they get swelled heads , they forget they have no bonafides , no track record , they didn't play anything they are just doing bits ,they think that we want to see them. They inflate themselves to the level of sports hero in their own minds. Do people want Steven A smith's autograph? :D I don't mean to pick on Steven , he can be amusing at times.

    Cord cutters have something at their disposal they can't counter. We choose to watch something , then something else on our terms , our schedule . We aren't forced to sit through fluff anymore and we won't. I can stream a game , and then the game is over click goes the power button. I flick the button and they cease to exist. I watch a 3 hour baseball game why do I need 3 hours of analysis about a 3 hour game? Go to a test pattern you have nothing to say.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Bronco, are you responding or writing a dissertation?

  • bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 10,282 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm glicking

  • DarinDarin Posts: 7,325 ✭✭✭✭✭

    bronco is typing the pure truth.
    Except for that Stephen guy being amusing at times. I didn't find that to be the truth.
    Everything else I agree with, I couldn't care less what those talking morons think about Tiger speaking about the presidential office.

  • DarinDarin Posts: 7,325 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Anyone who makes a living talking I'm just generally against.
    Because at some point you're going to say some pretty stupid things.
    Its just the law of averages.
    Most of the time you're going to be boring beyond belief.
    Get a real job and shut your piehole would be my advice to those people.

  • bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 10,282 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm channeling my inner Hamlet Glicker. Steven A represents my stepmother . Tiger is either Rosencrantz or the other guy. Trump is obviously the ghost of my dad

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Jack is old and has a bad back. You know, you are right!

  • bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 10,282 ✭✭✭✭✭

    You either respect the office or you concoct a phony story about Russians stealing the election hoping there might be a "do over" . We are going to be listing to fake news about Russia for 6 more years basically.

  • KkathylKkathyl Posts: 3,762 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Bronco2078 I agree with you 100% it is sad to see and a point in which the accuser becomes the offenders.

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