Card Storage 2018 Style
As an adult collector, card condition versus price is a major factor in my hobby experience. There's a constant balance between the two that drives the content of my collection. In observing my kids, however, it strikes me with how they are too busy looking at the photo of the ball player or reading the stats on back to care much about centering or corners or price/value. And their cards are piled up on the dresser, stuffed in boxes or the dresser drawer with the socks, pushed under the bed, or strewn all over the floor or under the couch. About every few weeks I'll get on them to pick up all their carp, including the cards, and the they'll organize them somewhat, put them into team piles, etc. The photos demonstrate card storage today. When I was 12, I was the same way. No need for much "quality control" from Topps in that sort of scenario. It's no wonder our Moms threw out our cards back in the day. It's funny how some things never change.
These photos are identical to what happens in my home. I've bought them binders recently, so hopefully that will help....a little.
Maybe there should be a song: "Beckett killed the BB card?"
You kids have the right idea.