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Are you tired?

Are you tired of the same cards on ebay going round and round by the same sellers at the same prices?
Also tired of having 2 good offers automatically denied , then I get an email from seller to make another offer.


  • I've been back on ebay for about four months after a 12 year absence and I don't know how some of you put up with the nonsense. Its frustrating having to parse through the obvious crooks, misleading listings and overpriced garbage to find the good deals, but they are there time to time. I don't get the shilling to make an extra $ or two either when its literally one or two dollars.

    I actively collect Kirby Puckett. I have collections of Michael Jordan, Emmitt Smith, Roberto Clemente, Dwight Gooden, Tom Seaver, Errict Rhett and Evan Longoria.

  • mtcardsmtcards Posts: 3,340 ✭✭✭

    Dont know about other sellers, but I generally lower prices on unsold lots about 5-10% each time they go unsold on a 30 day listing. The exceptions for that are difficult to get or high dollar items that may take a while to sell.

    But, speaking in the same vein, I do get tired of super lowball offers for items as well. Had a guy send me an email saying "XXXX item sold for $44, would you be willing to take that for your item?" . My item is listed for $69, but dude actually picked the ONE auction out of dozens of sold listings that was $44. I have seen this item go for as high as $125 in the last 3 months and average about $75 on items sold.

    Bottom line is that ebay, in their effort to raise revenue from FVF, has given out too many free listings to people who dont have overhead and will list an item for too high a price because it isnt costing them money each time it doesnt sell.

  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,290 ✭✭✭✭✭

    sí. i fancy a nap.

    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

  • BaltimoreYankeeBaltimoreYankee Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Summer: Some folks who list BIN OBO will always want to counter your offer, thinking you are just starting the negotiation. When I make an offer, if it is as high as I want to go, I will say that in my comment. If I am willing to negotiate, I will make a lower than my maximum offer and see what happens.

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I rarely have anything to say on this topic.

    But once I made a fair 10% off offer - was denied - made it a 5% off counter-offer.


    Then why even put BO?

  • Matt0224Matt0224 Posts: 102 ✭✭

    @BaltimoreYankee said:
    Summer: Some folks who list BIN OBO will always want to counter your offer, thinking you are just starting the negotiation. When I make an offer, if it is as high as I want to go, I will say that in my comment. If I am willing to negotiate, I will make a lower than my maximum offer and see what happens.

    At least you tell people its your max. So many times I'll get an offer which is almost universally 50% of my asking (even though I price using sold listings) so I'll counter and then hear nothing which locks the listing from being edited so after a day I retract offer and block but to the OP I find if you click on the guaranteed delivery sort you weed out a ton of crap and are generally left with people who know how to price and ship properly only when I can't find something will I go to the crap listings and sift through all the "eBay 1/1's"

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  • PROMETHIUS88PROMETHIUS88 Posts: 2,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

    All great comments! Just last night I had a seller who has a card for $100 that I need has BO option. I will add that the price is about 50% more than what it should be. I made an offer a week ago and he comes back with $10 off offer. I politely decline. He comes back with a message last night saying someone offered him $75 and if I was willing to offer more than that, my offer would be considered. Screw you, I'm not playing that game. Told him he might as well sell it because it's more than I want to pay. Card still hasn't sold.
    And YES....so tired of seeing stupid, high BIN prices or starting prices on the same cards month after month. If you don't want to sell an item, put it in a drawer somewhere, don't make me look at it over and over again.
    On the seller side, yes, low ballers abound and it is tiresome. Had a guy argue with me that a Reggie rookie in the same grade I had sold for X amount the night before. I told him it didn't and that I would see it in completed auctions. Tried to tell me "the system hasn't updated to show it". Whatever, it had been over night and it takes about 3 minutes to update. Thing is, my price is lower than any others listed and actually cheaper than any that have sold for the last 4 months.

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  • HighGradeLegendsHighGradeLegends Posts: 1,693 ✭✭✭✭

    @summersolstice27 said:
    Are you tired of the same cards on ebay going round and round by the same sellers at the same prices?
    Also tired of having 2 good offers automatically denied , then I get an email from seller to make another offer.

    move on. find a new market, seller, and get your card. free market. if your buying price is truly correct, someone will sell you the card.

  • TabeTabe Posts: 6,184 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Try being a jersey collector sometime. At any given time, 75-100% of the jerseys listed for a player are fake.

  • shouldabeena10shouldabeena10 Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭

    Come over to Facebook ... there's tons of groups for buying, selling , trading and daily auctions. All free (no fees), and you get to deal directly with real people and not faceless sellers. (just be careful which groups and people you deal with when new, as there's a learning curve to the groups, and there are scammers lurking too. Most of the good groups keep 99% of them out, but you have to do a little due diligence before making large deals).

    "Vintage Football Cards" A private Facebook Group of 4000 members, for vintage football card trading, sales & auctions. https://facebook.com/groups/vintagefootball/
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭

    @shouldabeena10 said:
    Come over to Facebook ... there's tons of groups for buying, selling , trading and daily auctions. All free (no fees), and you get to deal directly with real people and not faceless sellers. (just be careful which groups and people you deal with when new, as there's a learning curve to the groups, and there are scammers lurking too. Most of the good groups keep 99% of them out, but you have to do a little due diligence before making large deals).


  • maxdomemaxdome Posts: 87 ✭✭✭

    I also have wondered why some sellers put a best offer option and decline all offers even when you offer 1% discount . I also recently was trying to offer reasonable bids on a over priced football by a seller who just created a Ebay account so he had 0 feedback. He ignored all my bids and the last one I asked if he can please give me a counter offer. He ignored that request and then a few days later. The seller revised their listing to almost doubled his original asking price.

  • NGS428NGS428 Posts: 2,341 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 25, 2018 6:03PM

    Sellers that offer a best offer but never reply. It will sit for 48 hours till it expires.

  • CdnOsfanCdnOsfan Posts: 279 ✭✭✭

    In the last week....

    -$100 item, I offer $80, denied. I offer $90 and he counters with $100. Why the best offer option?

    -$34.99 item usually sells for $25 -$30 when it comes up. I offer $24 hoping to get it below $30. He replies saying, "You lowballed me, I would have done $25 but now the lowest I will go is $30. Thinking he is just being funny, I offer $25 and he was serious….This guy (somehow) sells a lot.

  • electrodeelectrode Posts: 212 ✭✭✭

    I get tired of some sellers who have items listed on eBay for years upon years and the prices are usually high then they discount the cards to attract buyers but the prices are still out of this world.

  • gaspipe26gaspipe26 Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭

    As an EBay seller for 20 years, I just laugh and move on from lowball offers. Just declined one this morning. An item for $54.99 and has sold for $45 to $55 3 times in the last month gets an offer of $15. Just laugh and decline

  • Panama Mutiny Panama Mutiny Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭✭

    @summersolstice27 said:
    Are you tired of the same cards on ebay going round and round by the same sellers at the same prices?
    Also tired of having 2 good offers automatically denied , then I get an email from seller to make another offer.

    i offer for cards and i get denied

    i offer with newbie account , i get accepted

    like wtf

  • Panama Mutiny Panama Mutiny Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭✭

    @gaspipe26 said:
    As an EBay seller for 20 years, I just laugh and move on from lowball offers. Just declined one this morning. An item for $54.99 and has sold for $45 to $55 3 times in the last month gets an offer of $15. Just laugh and decline

    well there are some items that are worth $45 but i would only buy it for $15... so i understand the mental.process

    Lowball University

  • gaspipe26gaspipe26 Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭

    Well if you want to waste your time that’s fine, repeat offenders I just block

  • Panama Mutiny Panama Mutiny Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭✭

    yes i have been blocked before ....lol

  • Panama Mutiny Panama Mutiny Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭✭

    i have overpaid on some things i really like, but the things im like in between, i will offer low like i explained before.

  • gaspipe26gaspipe26 Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭

    Some sellers get offended at that, but to lowball items that are reasonable, I have no time for that nonsense

  • CdnOsfanCdnOsfan Posts: 279 ✭✭✭

    Now I just offered someone else $80 on a card they have a Buy It Now of $89 OBO. Auto-declined....If you can't do 10% off, WHY OFFER BEST OFFER?

  • PROMETHIUS88PROMETHIUS88 Posts: 2,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @CdnOsfan said:
    Now I just offered someone else $80 on a card they have a Buy It Now of $89 OBO. Auto-declined....If you can't do 10% off, WHY OFFER BEST OFFER?

    I think there was a promotion for free listings this month if it was BIN OBO. That may be the reason we are seeing more of this.

  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @PROMETHIUS88 said:

    @CdnOsfan said:
    Now I just offered someone else $80 on a card they have a Buy It Now of $89 OBO. Auto-declined....If you can't do 10% off, WHY OFFER BEST OFFER?

    I think there was a promotion for free listings this month if it was BIN OBO. That may be the reason we are seeing more of this.

    I got one for 100 fixed price listings, BO was not required, but allowed for the freebies.

  • PROMETHIUS88PROMETHIUS88 Posts: 2,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I got one for 100 fixed price listings, BO was not required, but allowed for the freebies.

    I got screwed as a seller this month, nothing. I talked to a rep who told me there was a promotion but it wasn't sent to me. She didn't know why and couldn't get it to attach to my account. Said she would try to get it to work and if she could, would call me back. Crickets after that. 50 free listings last all of about 5 minutes. I probably need to look at opening an Ebay store.

  • For those of you wondering why your reasonable eBay offers are often declined, I can answer that for you... Three reasons:

    1. Fees... eBay raised their fees above 9%, reduced our top-rated-seller discount from 20% to 10%, so now we pay 12% in eBay and PayPal fees on virtually everything we sell... So why does that affect our sales prices? Because virtually every eBay seller now has an alternative way to buy our items... Personally, I have a website where I have all my items for market value (or close to it)... If you insist on buying them on eBay, I'm going to charge you a premium to cover my fees... In the future, I suggest Googling the seller and seeing if he/she sells via a website, Facebook, Instagram, Net 54 or here on Collector's Universe... The price is bound to be better than eBay.

    2. As sellers, we are forced to deal with the unmitigated HELL that is eBay customer service... When we have a problem and need to call them, we're routed to some 19-year-old middle-school dropout who lacks the authority to do anything other than read a boilerplate apology off the screen in front of him.

    3. eBay's policy on dealing with 'Off-eBay' transactions... Just this past week, someone sent me an eBay message with his phone number in it, asking me to contact him directly... An hour later, the card sold off-eBay and I ended the listing... For this, eBay suspended my account for a week because they assume the two were related... Someone sends me his phone number, and they suspend me... Brilliant!

    So, there's your answer... eBay has created an environment that is an overpriced hell for sellers, so if you insist on buying your items on eBay, we're going to insist on a price that makes it worth all the aggravation... Want fair prices? Find the seller off-eBay and buy it there.


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