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1975 Topps Yount Puddle/No Puddle variations

I found the puddle/no puddle discussion pretty fascinating, but it seems much of that info is gone now. I can't believe I'd never heard/seen anything about it before, but would personally consider this a variation and would collect one of each if I were building a 75T 'master set'.

I though I saw that for the regular 75T that there were roughly equal quantities of both variations, Is it possible that it was a left vs right sheet of the full 264 card sheets?

I did a quick run through of the 75T minis currently available on eBay and only saw one listing that had the puddle: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Robin-Yount-Milwaukee-Brewers-1975-Topps-Mini-223-Rookie-Baseball-Card/162637152167 I'm guessing this is a regular 75T mislabeled as a mini, unless any of the mini collectors can confirm this variation is available in that set too.


  • countdouglascountdouglas Posts: 2,518 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I saw the thread was gone, also. I have to admit, the fact that this Yount variation was apparently unknown to the vast majority of the members was a complete shock to me. The extra blue ( actually, the missing yellow, as one guy posted just before the thread went poof) is right there in the middle of the card and sticks out like a turd in a punch bowl. To think of how closely cards are inspected, dissected, and discussed on this board, and the same treatment given when going through the grading process, I just figured everyone could or should have easily seen there was something on the card that was out of the norm. It is completely absurd to me that I and my circle of collectors were amongst the very few that knew of this 43 year old variation. Surely it's been noted before???!!! My rough estimate is that the 2 are not equally distributed, but rather about 3 to 1 as far as corrected vs puddle, but I don't know that to be fact. My recently purchased uncut sheet has the no puddle version, by the way.

  • clarke442clarke442 Posts: 614 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I posted about the "missing yellow" and came back to see some comments and now I can't find the thread.
    I thought they poofed it because of me

  • coinspackscoinspacks Posts: 1,041 ✭✭✭✭

    I never noticed the puddle either

  • countdouglascountdouglas Posts: 2,518 ✭✭✭✭✭

    In case someone comes across this thread that missed out on the discussion in the deleted thread, this is what is being discussed...

    There is an area of blue on the grass that should not be there, just above the Y in Yount's signature. Below is a "correct" version.

  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @countdouglas said:
    In case someone comes across this thread that missed out on the discussion in the deleted thread, this is what is being discussed...

    Thanks, that's what I was hoping to have in here for future reference!

  • craig44craig44 Posts: 11,528 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That was a fascinating thread with some great info I had never heard before. Why did it get deleted?

    George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.

  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @craig44 said:
    That was a fascinating thread with some great info I had never heard before. Why did it get deleted?

    I would guess the disparaging remarks regarding graded cards condition.

  • orioles93orioles93 Posts: 3,482 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I had never heard of the puddle variation. I never really noticed it either. I just checked my PSA 8 and it does not have the puddle.

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  • countdouglascountdouglas Posts: 2,518 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @LarkinCollector said:

    @craig44 said:
    That was a fascinating thread with some great info I had never heard before. Why did it get deleted?

    I would guess the disparaging remarks regarding graded cards condition.

    I would agree. Also, the title of the thread lent itself to a never ending stream of new postings of other cards to be debated and disparaged. A couple postings of other 10s besides the original card had made their way into the thread just before it was deleted.

    As far as my original thread comments that brought this "puddle" discussion about, I was just incredulous that you had 2 groups of people debating the worthiness of the grade of the card in the original post, looking at corners, bubbles, fisheyes, stains, etc. Some saying that it passed muster, and others saying no way. Yet, no one, upon inspecting the card that closely could see the big blue splotch that was more obvious than any fisheye or snow or ink streaks?

    I had someone mark an earlier post in this thread with a "disagree". Perhaps that was just a fat finger error, but I will repeat what I said in the deleted thread. The extra blue (missing yellow) may not bother you at all, but there can be no denying that there exists 2 versions of this card. Once you've finally seen it, you can't unsee it, and every person that has read this thread will be looking for it first thing on every Yount they come across. No need to measure the centering ratios or get the loop out, the blue is obvious to the naked eye, it's either there or it isn't. You can go on eBay and look at all of the various listings, and most of the time, see the blue without even having to click on the listing for a larger photo. It's a quite common variance, so whether you classify it as a PD or a 2nd example needed for a master set is up to the individual, I guess.

  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @countdouglas said:
    It's a quite common variance, so whether you classify it as a PD or a 2nd example needed for a master set is up to the individual, I guess.

    I'll agree it's really just a print defect, but there are so many print defects classified as variations it's only a matter of time on this one. Even at 3:1, it doesn't seem that difficult to acquire a copy of each. That's why I would chase both if I ever work on a 75T BB set.

  • countdouglascountdouglas Posts: 2,518 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @LarkinCollector said:
    I'll agree it's really just a print defect, but there are so many print defects classified as variations it's only a matter of time on this one.

    Haha! It's been 43 years, and without bothering with the pop report, I'm assuming thousands of Yount rookies graded already. The prospect of having to re-label or re-grade all of those makes it unlikely, I bet. Unless the word spreads,?...I still find it unbelievable that this hasn't been noticed before. Surely, someone had. If you're going to inspect for surface wrinkles and scratches and dents and random PDs, I would have thought someone long before me would have said, "This looks odd..."

  • clarke442clarke442 Posts: 614 ✭✭✭✭✭

    To me, at first glance, I could see how the "Puddle" could seem like just a discolored spot of grass in the original photograph, to which no one might think of as a print defect, until looked at side by side with a "Puddle-less" version.
    Still very interesting.

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I would say the puddle is where the ink didn't adhere to the cardboard for some reason during printing?

  • VintagemanEdVintagemanEd Posts: 932 ✭✭✭

    I have to admit I never knew about this variation but am not an expert on 75’s though. Is it just the regular or mini also? I do think it is awesome that it exists. Pretty dang cool!

  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @VintagemanEd said:
    I have to admit I never knew about this variation but am not an expert on 75’s though. Is it just the regular or mini also? I do think it is awesome that it exists. Pretty dang cool!

    Regular only AFAIK. The only mini I could find with it is linked above and I'm guessing it's a mislabeled regular.

  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,152 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Here's one I just found:


  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,616 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 14, 2018 3:29PM

    @SDSportsFan said:
    Here's one I just found:


    It's the small puddle variation.

  • BLUEJAYWAYBLUEJAYWAY Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭✭✭

    More like a "pidddle". :)

    Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
  • countdouglascountdouglas Posts: 2,518 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Stone193 said:
    I would say the puddle is where the ink didn't adhere to the cardboard for some reason during printing?

    If you missed the discussion in the thread that was deleted, one member posted a link that detailed the printing process, as far as how the colors are laid down, and different rates of absorption, etc. I didn't read it with enough comprehension to quote it back verbatim, though. It was technical, at least to a layman like me, but interesting to try to read. Ha!

    As a later contributor to the thread detailed, even though it seems as if there is "extra blue" on the card, it is actually the absence of yellow that makes the grass blue instead of green. So, something was likely blocking the yellow from being laid down.

    It is unfortunate that the original thread crossed the line, requiring it to be deleted, as there was a lot of great information there, both for this card specifically, and the printing of cards in general.

  • Panama Mutiny Panama Mutiny Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭✭

    never heard of this until last week !!!

  • Panama Mutiny Panama Mutiny Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭✭

    Me: PSA, Can you designate my card as "puddle yount"
    PSA: No, it will now be a PD qulifier! :D:D:D:D

  • shagrotn77shagrotn77 Posts: 5,617 ✭✭✭✭

    Checked my 9 and it does not have the puddle. Phew!

    "My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. Our childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When we were insolent we were placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard really."
  • GreenSneakersGreenSneakers Posts: 915 ✭✭✭✭

    My wife made me unpack the car from vacation before I checked .. my regular has the puddle (damn it) and the mini doesn't. They have been right next to each other for years and never noticed. Feel like an idiot.

  • lwehlerslwehlers Posts: 934 ✭✭✭✭✭

    i was looking at my raw set in my binder and I have two younts in my set. one has a puddle on it and the other one does not. I think that is pretty good for my set. I also have a psa 8 and thankfully it does not have a puddle. this is has been a great post to read.

  • addicted2ebayaddicted2ebay Posts: 2,096 ✭✭✭✭

    Lol it’s not a puddle... it’s just missing YELLOW INK.

    Probably something stuck on the Yellow blanket but it is a err.

    Like the Thomas NNOF a piece of paper sticks to the blanket if it fails to register correctly then only gets fixed when the operator notices it and stops to wipe it off.

  • Panama Mutiny Panama Mutiny Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭✭


  • DarinDarin Posts: 7,325 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Blue blob water puddle yellow blanket blotched missed piss stick, if I'm following the thread correctly,
    and I believe I am.

  • craig44craig44 Posts: 11,528 ✭✭✭✭✭

    So, I had to check my younts and it turns out none of my half dozen has the puddle. Is it bad that I want one now? I wonder how much more scarce the puddle version is? I have a psa 9 w/o puddle. Does anyone know if they will grade a puddle version as a 9? I kind of want the "set" now.

    George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.

  • craig44craig44 Posts: 11,528 ✭✭✭✭✭

    By the way, I think the "puddle" moniker is a great description for this variation. We all know it isn't a puddle, but it sure is what it looks like

    George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.

  • countdouglascountdouglas Posts: 2,518 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @craig44 said:
    So, I had to check my younts and it turns out none of my half dozen has the puddle. Is it bad that I want one now? I wonder how much more scarce the puddle version is? I have a psa 9 w/o puddle. Does anyone know if they will grade a puddle version as a 9? I kind of want the "set" now.

    Yes, there are PSA 9s and 10s with the variation. That is what prompted the discussion originally.

    I earlier stated that I thought the ratio was 3 to 1, as far as "corrected" vs "puddle", but have no way of knowing for sure. It could be 5 to 1 or 10 to 1. I just know that the variation is not uncommon. Just scroll through the eBay listings, and you'll see quite a few.

    I am curious to see if there develops 2 markets now between the 2 variations of the card, with one becoming more desirable than the other. My personal feeling is that it is a PD, so try to avoid them. But I also already own several raw ones with the splash of blue, and also a PSA 7.5 with the PD, to go with a number of raw ones without the PD and "puddle free" versions in PSA 8 and 7 and an SGC 84.

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