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anybody ever find a 1964-P Roosevelt Dime with WIDE AM? SMS? Over-polished?

i went through a couple hundred 1964 dimes the other day and found one with a doubled die error on it but it also has the letters of AMERICA spaced out with no thin connecting bar between them. Part seems due to the left leg of the M being thinner than the right side when they are usually the same width. The space between the A and M, as well as between the M and E, appears to be a full millimeter. The other letters are also spaced more widely than usual. Except for the doubling, the only other unusual thing i see is that the top right oak leaf is struck weakly and the same goes for the top right olive leaf on the other side of the torch. I went through dimes from the forties to the nineties and could not find spaces. i checked 1965-1968 sets due to transitional events involving the years the 1964 was struck but nothing like this. i think i have to rule out transitional/experimental and think maybe the die was over-polished?
Anyway, I am flummoxed. Has anybody run across this before? I did a ton of searching before i brought it to a forum. I also looked for the difference in design between a regular dime and a 1964 SMS but came up short, too.

Thanks for reading. First person to reply 'PMD' gets a poke in the eye.

Best Answers

  • Insider2Insider2 Posts: 14,452 ✭✭✭✭✭

    There is a lot of die polishing lines on the coin. You have all the comparison specimens in hand but I'm going to suspect polished die. It should be helpful to post an image of the normal spacing you've seen.


  • thank you. i kinda figured that with all the lines but am surprised i couldn't find others. i don't know how many coins a dime die was good for at that time but maybe i'm just lucky. i try to sell without grading. the attribution numbers are usually enough but i don't know what to apply to this. i guess it would be whatever matches the doubled devices properly, only without the polishing. not sure what you mean by the last line...i thought i did post one showing one dime over the other. i can see it but this is my first post. maybe they check pics before allowing them. can you tell me if i have pics showing? thanks for your opinion. i think that clinches it. i just needed somebody to agree. or not. have a great weekend.

  • oh...duh...you can see the lines...of course you can see the pics...sorry for that.

  • Insider2Insider2 Posts: 14,452 ✭✭✭✭✭

    There are still allot of new discoveries to be made in our coinage, especially "Moderns." See if you can find a wide "AM" on a early die state coin. :)

  • @Insider2 said:
    There are still allot of new discoveries to be made in our coinage, especially "Moderns." See if you can find a wide "AM" on a early die state coin. :)

    thanks but i'm beat from just scrutinizing the couple hundred i have. i've just been looking at die stages on ones with errors i could find. i just find it hard to believe it is one of a kind. you'd think over 55 years, one would surface. it is more than the polishing, though, i think. the bottom are usually very close to touching. i measured from bottom leg to bottom leg and the first two spaces being a full mm apart is different. i made a straight line from the left outside leg of the A and carried it across the tops of the two oak leaves that stick out most. The line hits the torch at a different spot than when I make the same line on another 1964. The device that they polish with - that it is a mm wide, that would explain that part, too.

  • sorry. meant to say 'if that is a mm wide'. time to get off before i typo more. thanks for your help.

  • I was just trying to investigate the same dang thing with my dime!!!!! Exact same thing, the spacing on all the letters are completely different than anything else.I've seen. Even the spacing in the letters on the torch e pluribus unum. The front also has a fat 4 and missing some lettering. I can't find for the life of me anything except your post about the large spacing on the reverse side! Did you manage to find anything out about it??

  • IkesTIkesT Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Autumholy said:
    I was just trying to investigate the same dang thing with my dime!!!!! Exact same thing, the spacing on all the letters are completely different than anything else.I've seen. Even the spacing in the letters on the torch e pluribus unum. The front also has a fat 4 and missing some lettering. I can't find for the life of me anything except your post about the large spacing on the reverse side! Did you manage to find anything out about it??

    Excessive die polishing will increase the spacing between the letters, as noted above.

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