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How an Instagram account goes for laughs while showing the underbelly of Minor League Baseball

stevekstevek Posts: 29,598 ✭✭✭✭✭


How an Instagram account goes for laughs while showing the underbelly of Minor League Baseball

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The lower echelons of the minor leagues might as well be an alternate universe where the preposterous passes for normal and the ridiculous for ordinary. The stories sound farcical, exaggerated, beyond anything Bull Durham or other depictions of the minors could dream up in a fictitious realm.

“I’ve seen somebody cook chicken with an iron,” Colorado Rockies prospect Brendan Rodgers said. “Put a piece of chicken on the ironing board, press it down and eat it. In their hotel room. I was laughing. I was in awe. I didn’t really know what to think or say. I didn’t think of videoing it. Going back, I definitely would’ve videotaped it.”

Whereas the stories of the past were passed down from generation to generation like amulets, today’s find themselves transported from cell phone to social media in a moment. And nothing captures the absurdism like Minor League Grinders, an Instagram account known to nearly every player at Sunday’s All-Star Futures Game – and followed by plenty who love the raw, realistic depiction of life before the major leagues.


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