Cleveland National 2018 Ease of Going?

I always attend when it is in Chicago. I am considering going to Cleveland. Is the venue, hotels, airport fairly close? Would I need to rent a car. I have been to the National in Cleveland before, but I was just along for the ride from Michigan and didn't have to make any travel arrangements myself. If anyone has advice or tips if this is an easy show to fly in, stay at a close hotel and attend the show I would appreciate it. Thanks
Forgot to mention, I would be flying in from CT, not driving in from Michigan this time.
This is my first Cleveland national.
It will probably be impossible to get a room that's a booked lot of rooms - but you can go to the national website and check.
A bunch of us are staying at the Sheraton which is about a mile.
The airport is right next to the convention center - most hotels probably have free shuttle to their sites.
Furthermore, I would guess most hotels around the convention have free ongoing shuttles to and from housing and convention center.
Sounds great, thanks. Glad that the airport and venue are close by. Hotels with a shuttle helps too.
Hope you enjoy your visit.
A lot of the members here seem to meet up at the Baseball Card Exchange - BBCE - easy to spot by it's size and gigantic banner that you can see 100 ft away.
Hopefully my contact in the witness protection program does not see this picture Mike
Yeah, I love going to the National, Done Chicago 3 times as a visitor/ and twice had to work it, 3 times Cleveland (all 3 times had to work it). Missed Baltimore and Atlantic City. Working a booth is insane, tense and a long day on your feet. I'm glad I can take my time and see it all. The BBCE booth is a must. I think two years ago they had a 1959 Fleer Ted Williams box, a 1961 Fleer Basketball Box, a 1979-80 O-Pee-Chee hockey case (vending I think), a few 86 fleer basketball boxes, and a complete 1986, 1987, 1988 Fleer basketball sets all autographed. I don't know if anyone saw those autographed sets, but they were amazing. They really have built up a nice PSA graded inventory too. I picked up a 1967 Topps Mantle PSA 8 that bumped to an 8.5. The first time I went to Cleveland I was shocked at the size of the ferris wheel inside. I smashed my card budget this year, so I'm less than 50% going to Cleveland this year, but won't miss Chicago.