You know what we need more of ?

We need more people treating the B/S/T Forum like their own personal web-site and just posting away and ignoring the forum rules. That makes it so much more enjoyable to those who try to follow the rules.
We need more people treating the B/S/T Forum like their own personal web-site and just posting away and ignoring the forum rules. That makes it so much more enjoyable to those who try to follow the rules.
Thought you were going to say "Cowbell".
Shout out to one member that always does it right and one heckuva guy to boot! @Dboneesq
@detroitfan2 Any ideas on how to correct it? If I see someone who posts multiple messages that is a red flag for me. As someone posted on a previous thread, some people will use the forum and take and take but never offer to help someone in return.(I'm paraphrasing of course)
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I'm honestly not sure what the moderators are doing these days, although it's a bit sad that we would even need them. I've seen some members try to self-police, but to no avail. I'm also seeing some members who have played by the rules for a long time begin to say screw it, if everyone else is going to do , so am I, and frankly I don't blame them.
This thread belongs in the BST forum
(sarcasm'd in case the emoji doesn't work)
The best SNL skit of all time! Hands down!
“Cowbell” is the correct answer here. But I think “Bacon” should also be acceptable. You can never have enough bacon.
Let one person know about the rules and they had something smart to say. Looking at their discussions @detroitfan2 was right that some people use it for their own personal website. Out of 50 discussions that this person has made, 47 were in the BST section with three in the sports memorabilia forum(2 of those asking for VCP). This forum will only get better if we focus on helping others, buiding camaraderie and then offer to sell items that many would be interested in.
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