Is anyone familiar with this note? I do know there is a town called Ogdensburg in Sussex County, NY

It's about the size of Federal Government fractional and dated Oct 24th, 1862.
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2ndCharter Posts: 1,679 ✭✭✭✭✭
I do know there is a town called Ogdensburg in Sussex County, NY
Oh, really? I would love to have someone point out on a map to me where Sussex County is located in New York State!!
Anyway, Ogdensburg, or "O-Burg" as the locals call it, is located right on the St. Lawrence River in far northern New York State in, appropriately, St. Lawrence County. There's a bridge just outside of Ogdensburg and, in the pre-911 days, quite a few locals would drive across the bridge to have lunch in Canada.
The 50 Cent note itself is a piece of Civil War-era municipal scrip that is relatively available.
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Kurtflorida Posts: 43 ✭✭
Thank you. I thought as much about it being a municipal obligation. So, I see it now. It's in St. Lawrence County. Last year, around this time, I hag to drive from New Jersey to Minnesota. My GPS routed me south of the Great Lakes, but I thought it would more fun to drive up to Canadian 1 and across the top and drop down through Thunder Bay and cross the border in International Falls. It thought Canadian 1 was a freeway, little did I know it is more like a three lane (middle lane for passing) highway with a 90 km speed limit and took 2-3 days to get across.
It was a long and desolate drive. Everyone was "Canadian" friendly but it seemed they all looked at me asking themselves what the heck does a guy with Florida plates on his car (my permanent address is in Naples, FL) doing out in Western Ontario.. It was an adventure but not sure I'll take that trip again soon.
Thanks again, Kurt