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Inexplicable GC auction result...



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    VanHalenVanHalen Posts: 3,841 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Coinstartled said:

    @VanHalen said:

    @Coinstartled said:

    @jmlanzaf said:

    @Coinstartled said:

    @specialist said:
    Its also a known fact, NGC has been tight lately too.


    Like saying Titanic has a new set of lifeboats.


    Do they plan on recalling the Stack's 57th street coins for reconsideration?

    Anyone have an idea on how many pieces were in the Stack's 57th Street collection? 100? 1,000? 5,000?

    1,000,000 plus.

    Wholly motherload Batman. 57th Street awash in coins.

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    cnncoinscnncoins Posts: 414 ✭✭✭✭

    When I was in charge of the Wholesale division at Stacks, the West 57th deal came in and I worked with our group processing all the coins. Maybe Coinstartled knows more than I do on this deal, but I have know idea how many coins were involved.

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    CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @cnncoins said:
    When I was in charge of the Wholesale division at Stacks, the West 57th deal came in and I worked with our group processing all the coins. Maybe Coinstartled knows more than I do on this deal, but I have know idea how many coins were involved.

    From Stacks


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    AngryTurtleAngryTurtle Posts: 1,557 ✭✭✭

    @Coinstartled said:

    @cnncoins said:
    When I was in charge of the Wholesale division at Stacks, the West 57th deal came in and I worked with our group processing all the coins. Maybe Coinstartled knows more than I do on this deal, but I have know idea how many coins were involved.

    From Stacks


    To thoroughly take this thread off on a tangent, reading the Stacks Press release, they cite 30 tons and a million coins, Googling "How many silver dollars are there in 30 tons" in a moment of idle curiosity I find this:

    Medal, Seattle World's Fair, 30 Tons of Silver Dollars Presented by Behlen Manufacturing Co.
    Object Name Medal, Commemorative
    Description Plastic case. Inside case there is a black area that says in gold text, " SEATTLE WORLD'S FAIR MILLION SILVER DOLLAR MEDAL." In the middle of the black area is a gold coin with a picture of Seattle. Around the picture it says, " 30 TONS OF SILVER DOLLARS, PRESENTED BY BEHLEN OF COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA." On the back there is a globe inside a ball with an arrow at the top of it. Next to the globe it says 1962. Around this it says, "SEATTLE WORLD'S FAIR OFFICICAL MEDAL."

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    VanHalenVanHalen Posts: 3,841 ✭✭✭✭✭

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    cnncoinscnncoins Posts: 414 ✭✭✭✭

    If it's in print....it must be so

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    cnncoinscnncoins Posts: 414 ✭✭✭✭

    As for the original topic of this thread, this Connecticut had great toning as well as a great look. This generation holder was not a recently graded NGC coin, I think it was graded 15+ years ago (I'm not completely sure of the time frame). It was probably an upgrade. Also, remember the grade is only part of valuing any coin. In fact, if we ALL agreed on the VALUE of all coins, in theory nothing would change hands for a profit or loss. We may all grade the coin the same, but have several different opinions of value. This is why any coin can trade hands several times before the ultimate price is paid by someone who values it the coin more than anyone else.

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    jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 32,880 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @cnncoins said:
    As for the original topic of this thread, this Connecticut had great toning as well as a great look. This generation holder was not a recently graded NGC coin, I think it was graded 15+ years ago (I'm not completely sure of the time frame). It was probably an upgrade. Also, remember the grade is only part of valuing any coin. In fact, if we ALL agreed on the VALUE of all coins, in theory nothing would change hands for a profit or loss. We may all grade the coin the same, but have several different opinions of value. This is why any coin can trade hands several times before the ultimate price is paid by someone who values it the coin more than anyone else.

    Yes, but it's not a gold CAC which argues it isn't a sure fire upgrade. So, you still have a $350 coin that sold for $1750...that's quite a premium

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    CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @cnncoins said:
    If it's in print....it must be so

    You questioned my number and I provided a Stacks link. Should I hire Price Waterhouse to verify as well?

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    cnncoinscnncoins Posts: 414 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm sure an audit will not prove fruitful, but I obviously do not (did not) read our press release on this. I can assure you that no one at Stacks counted the coins. I stand corrected.
    Anything else?

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    cnncoinscnncoins Posts: 414 ✭✭✭✭

    My personal experience with this (I spend five figures a month on grading fees with our host), is that you still need to look at the coins. I've had coins with Gold CAC stickers which haven't upgraded, and I've had coins with green beans that have upgraded by 3 grades. I've also had coins that JA did not CAC which have upgraded. Whether the coin CAC'd or not is, frankly, not the issue. In this particular case, the toning probably made all the difference in the price realized.

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    jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 32,880 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @cnncoins said:
    My personal experience with this (I spend five figures a month on grading fees with our host), is that you still need to look at the coins. I've had coins with Gold CAC stickers which haven't upgraded, and I've had coins with green beans that have upgraded by 3 grades. I've also had coins that JA did not CAC which have upgraded. Whether the coin CAC'd or not is, frankly, not the issue. In this particular case, the toning probably made all the difference in the price realized.

    I'm sure it was about the toning, although even that isn't exceptional for the type. But it needs to be a 67 CAC to come close to that price.

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