Messages writing backwards on Ebay

This may be only my problem, but I never had it before. When I try to send message to seller on ebay it comes out backwards. Meaning when I say Hello, it writes olleH. Any ides why that happens? Thanks
Maybe it is with just this one seller. I have tried others and it is ok. The item number is 263775848328. I someone has a moment can you try and see if it does the same for you. Thanks.
The Starr? I did a test message and worked correctly. Nothing strange. I used the app.
That's weird. On app it worked fine. On my laptop its backwards. Thanks!
Type the message using the site linked below then reverse the message.
I’m no expert, but you might want to start with an old priest and a young priest.
Sounds like somewhere a language setting got set to use a "right to left" language!
.luaP deirub I
Who is old enough to know you can't understand unless you're stoned?
Strangely enough this kind of occurred to me today. I was typing a message to the seller with an offer at a lower price. Everything was normal until after I entered the $ sign. After that, the numbers I typed in went from right to left. So after typing 35 it displayed 53. I tried it a few times with different numbers and the numbers kept on being displayed in opposite order. I deleted the $ and then when I entered the numbers they displayed in normal order. I tried replicating it in another message to a different seller but this time it didn't do it. Never had it happen before.
I know very weird. I did not even use any symbols.