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Re: So what does undipped gold look like
Age is applied in layers inconstantly, if there is only one most uniform layer, the other have been taken off
Re: Will the coin hobby ever dry?
It goes in cycles. But popular, not just rich guys, collecting really ramped up with the 1955 DDO cent discovery and popularization. It is still a short-lived hobby in that regard. There are still younger collectors, even though they use plastic in commerce. They just are not so present at shows and B&Ms. We never stop minting OCD types. But I expect the number of collectors to wane and information (especially with integrated AI) to skyrocket. So a lot of the dreck and common stuff will lose its market. There is plenty of rare and fun material to keep the hobby rolling at all budget levels.
Re: Closing up my hunt for the Deseret Lion - The final Mormon design
Very nice coin and congratulations.
Re: Closing up my hunt for the Deseret Lion - The final Mormon design
Congrats…terrific write up and analysis. Well played.
Re: 1914-D Cent, Clipped Planchet
The cursed marriage of a Key Date with a Mint Error!
Re: 2024 college football thread
@Maywood said:
A quick Google search indicates that Magic Johnson's net worth is $1.6 BILLION, so for all intents and purposes, yes, he does have unlimited resources.It took me awhile to come around, but I am now of the mind that I just need to ignore everything @Basebal21 posts.
Pretty impressive Magic is worth more than Lebron. Now with all this money floating around, and the NCAA is looking to expand eligibility to five years, college ball is quickly turning into a pro league.
Re: Mormon GTG - No cheating
" I have 3/6 of the mormon issues"
Congratulations on that acquisition, and ALL of your Pioneer Gold 'D-Dan'!
Your Registry Set is looking outstanding ✓
Re: Love my new 2025 Great Collections Calendar with some great coin images that are quite pleasing.
Had a pleasant surprise today. The 2025 Great Collections calendar showed up in the mail. Very attractive. Thick glossy paper and some take your breath away coin pictures. I don't know how far down the totem pole you have to get before i qualify for a free calendar but THANK YOU to the folks at G.C. James
Re: Love my new 2025 Great Collections Calendar with some great coin images that are quite pleasing.
GC always does a great job with their calendars.