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Re: Does eBay Feedback Matter Anymore?
I haven't sold on ebay for a while now, when I was I would get about 70% of the buyers leaving feedback.
Never ask a buyer for feedback! You are only asking for problems.
Re: Which do you like better and why?
I like them both, but I like #1 the best because the reverse is beautiful for my taste.
Happy New Year to you Steph. Long time no see.
Re: Which do you like better and why?
Difficult to say as the two photos were taken under different lighting.
Re: Query about US gold, silver and other coins
All the silver looks pretty common. The gold might be mint state or it might not, but seeing reverse images would help everyone immensely. Buy a copy of the Red Book and read it; it will help tremendously. Good luck!
Re: Query about US gold, silver and other coins
@calliostoma said:
This is very thoughtful input, thank you very much. we have nearly 400 hundred coins, nickels, dime, large cents, mercury dimes ... and many more.
I am learning little by little, found some reverse coins from 1878-1898, long nock dollars... it is endless and so much fun.
thank you again for your help, appreciate it.
What are reverse coins? Long Neck(?) Dollars?
99.999% of coins do not go to auction companies. 99% of coins should not be slabbed. Most coins, even if new to you, are pretty common.
Re: Query about US gold, silver and other coins
The silver peace dollars look to be common years and in the AU and low MS range. This puts them in the $25 to $50 each price range. Hard to see but the 1878 Morgan's look to be San Fran mintage which is common but worth a bit more than the peace dollars. If Philly and they have certain attributes, they can be worth more. They generally do not merit the price of certification which most auction houses require.
The gold, if tested as genuine, would at least get melt which is currently around 2670 per ounce. If the reverses have a mint mark, it may make them more valuable. It may be wise to visit a nearby coin shop for an evaluation. GL
Re: 1959 penny value? Worth getting graded ??
It would cost more in fees than the coin is worth...which is not much over face value.
Re: 1909 Lincoln Memorial Cent what is your opinion?
No not rare, I have 5 or six 09 VDB's in my collection in varying grades up to MS66 red. Your coin is worth less than $10. Do you have a copy of the redbook? That book would answer most if not all the questions you are asking.
Re: Strange Photo Lighting. Anybody Have Experience Buying From Ace Auctioneers On EBay?
I’m pretty sure the white balance is messed up on the sellers camera.
Re: Which do you like better and why?
I like the top one better. Looks like it is already graded and the bottom one has questionable colors, IMHO.