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Re: PCGS Grading Set
@coinbuf said:
No PCGS no longer has a grading set, it was sold off pre covid if I remember correctly. Grading sets are only useful if the coins in the set are accurately graded. The question is do you want a grading set that reflects real grading or one that uses market graded coins. I don't own a grading set, but if I were to do one, I would choose CAC beaned or CACG coins as those are going to be in the top half of the grade a very high percentage of the time.
Wouldn't it better serve its purpose if all coins were at the exact midpoint of each grade (to the extend possible), rather than at the top half?
Re: Classic Head large cent. Help a guy out that's heading for F.U.N**** Success!
If Pierre Fricke is there at the show I highly recommend checking out his booth. He has some nice circulated large cents including Classic heads and I’ve noticed his pricing is often much better than elsewhere. I purchased this one a few years ago from him in an old green holder for about 1/2 of what I was expecting to spend
Re: "Exposed: This Forum’s So-Called Expertise Is Crap"
"Well, folks, I ran an experiment (for only three posters), and this forum failed miserably. I posted a fake picture of a real (obscure) eBay listing of a rare 1909 cent (few have seen) selling for around $59,000 to test whether anyone here would give accurate information (in only 30 minutes) on its rarity and value. Instead of offering real insight (in such a short time), every comment (all three of them) downplayed the coin’s significance, claiming it wasn’t rare or valuable. (Later the previous owner showed up and claimed what it was precisely so my trick backfired )."
There, I fixed your post for you.
Re: Does Anyone Here Deal in Estate Jewelry?
I think you would post those in the precious metals forum.
Re: 2024 NFL Offseason/Regular Season Thread
I saw that a few days ago, Pete should stay retired as Belichick probably should have. The older coaches like this strike me as doing it solely for the money. They have nothing to prove and not enough time to build/expand their legacy. But I guess that's how they're wired.
Re: Fakes on eBay
I saw a guy selling Uncirculated 1928 Peace dollars from China for something like $35 each and had sold over 20 of them with great feedback. We have a problem Houston!
Re: 230th Anniversary Flowing Hair High Relief Gold Coin (24YG)
@MFezziwig said:
Hi Folks, new member here checking in. I just wanted to report to all that I was able to place an order for the 2024 Flowing Hair gold via the US mint website on January 1st. I was able to get the coin to "add to bag" about one week ago, and I had been dutifully logging in each morning at 07:30 EST, hitting "refresh" every 30 seconds or so. I was astonished when I was able to complete check out and got my order confirmation yesterday. For those that have been tracking the order numbers , mine is in the USM15009XXX range. My order is still showing as "processing" today, and I will keep you posted once I get a shipping confirmation. So there may still be hope for others , just keep trying. Please forgive the weird default avatar that was assigned to me (I did not pick that) I will change that as soon as I can. Happy New Year to all.Mark
Out of the 10,000 produced and sold you may be the most deserving with that kind of commitment. That is truly awesome.
Re: Lincoln Cent best strike year/mm
A lot of 1916 Philadelphia circulation strike Lincolns come very well struck, plus they’re common and affordable.