Home U.S. Coin Forum

Hi Everyone in the Coin World, I'm Jack Trout

I would like to introduce myself, I am a fly fishing guide of 23 years from Portola, California living part of the year in Chile and Mount Shasta and an avid coin collector with my pops Raymond since I was a kid, my favorite coin is my 1872 CC $ 5 Lib in spectacular condition. He used to take me to the SF mint as a kid and to see my grandpa's building located across the mint at 6th & Jesse in SF. My Grandpa Jack, owned a dry cleaning business and he washed and cleaned the clothes of most of mint employees there from 1911 on. He heard stories and knew probably Walter N Dimmick, Leach and Cole, it was a small town then. I remember my father would always say when we visited the mint or talked about it that most of the robberies were committed by mint employees as inside jobs, this is what sparked my interest when I heard about that 1866 S MS 66!! That's a "Mint Coin" my friend and all I thought about is how I needed to look up the mint robberies AFTER 1894. My grandpa's business was called Rhode's cleaners, just in case you're doing an investigation on me.

The paper got some of the info wrong, so I would like to clarify my interpretations of the $20 lib Motto that STARTED after Lincoln’s death, prior to that date they didn’t put it on the coins, but that’s what make the NO MOTTO of 12,000 only minted that much more important as they were the last. My Grandpa and family owned the building that was 24 unit apartment complex with 3 retail businesses downstairs from 1911 until 1987 and we heard as kids many stories growing up about inside jobs and mint thefts, that’s why it resonated with me when I heard about that extremely rare 1866 S with no motto, as rare as the 1870 CC $20 gold lib. In any condition there only about 200 coins existing or less, worth alone one million dollars, maybe more daily.

My dad used to tell me based on what my grandpa told him that after Lincoln’s death they started printing “In God we Trust” on the most important coin of it’s time the $20 Gold Lib this was my interpretation, news media is interpretations. You know when your 12 to 14 years old, it went in one ear and out the other, but then it just hit me when I saw this coin story, it led me back in time to those days with my pops going to the mint in SF and all the stories he tried to teach me about coinage.

I know how rare the 1866 S No Motto was, then the SF Chron printed there were 120,000 minted and all the people started saying I didn’t know what I was talking about. But the red books and some other publications have it wrong, it’s 12,000 only minted with about a 200 coin survival rate + or – a few. But we know PCGS is the only place to check as well NGC, the “gold standard" of coin grading and info.

http://www.pcgscoinfacts.com/Coin/Detail/8945 I also checked more than one source, like I always do and 12,000 minted is what it was. This coin and date was very important in history as I still feel that after Lincoln’s death, they started putting “In god we trust” on these coins and that’s what pops told me. My Grandpa Jack, knew people at the mint, he probably for sure knew of the Walter N Dimmick story, my family did as they lived, read and breathed it doing business across the street for the mint. (Laundry)

Maybe other coins were different, but for the era, this was the most important coin without creating a totally new coinage as we did for Kennedy. When I was a kid I would thoroughly enjoy going to the SF Mint and Carson City mint with my father, I remember he always said most of the heist were done by employees of the mint, this is what resonated with me when I saw the 1866S with No Motto found as well as the rest in the Saddle Ridge find. I figured it must have been from one of the SF mint heist, after that coin was minted and I felt after reading that the amount was $30,000 it was probably tied to the Walter N Dimmick case, so when I saw he was convicted of the heist as the Saddle Ride Hoard was $28,000 found, I thought I solved the case but never realized that the people could lose these coins to government, my thinking was anything you found on your property was yours. The hate mail and threats started, I was bummed..

What if the coins were salted with that stash with other coins from GA or Orleans, that could throw one off the trail I thought. As soon as coin the coin expert selling the coins said he was a PHD, everyone else’s interpretations were voided. I did see in one article a mint detective disagreed with the cut and dry opinion of the experts from Tiburon and that the mint, only mints coins and never has vaults that store old coinage. A SF mint detective said it was plausible they did have vaults that stored old coins and he saw them. (Read link below) So who might of done it, in my opinion Walter N Dimmick most possible, then Widber or it was a buried bank account, who really knows though? http://www.newser.com/story/183252/source-of-buried-california-gold-century-old-heist.html I mean how did Dimmick put his daughter Helen through Cal Berkeley (She Died 1971 in SJ) and grad school as a literature major in Spruce Hall while dad was spending his final years in San Quentin, pennies from heaven, how did he get out and became an accountant again and she lived 5 blocks from home by the way. Some things just don’t add up? If the coin from 1894 was salted into the mix as well as others, that would rule out Augustus C. Widber, who committed his mint crimes in 1890's, who incidentally spent time at San Quentin when Dimmick was there and later headed in 1904 into the Mokelumne Hills and wasn’t heard of after 1915 seemly. But for sure Dimmick was more likely to commit this heist because he had debts, access at night, keys and the times add up as well as the amounts found. (Plus Helen heading into Unv. Berkeley.) Possible the stash was really from the Berkeley/Oakland Hills area not the Sierra Foothills. Who really knows, but it’s some facts and a lot of speculation and I think about it on the river. Everyone has their right to their opinion, even a fishing guide historian/coin collector. By the way none of these coins were ever found or accounted for... Leach didn't have the motive as he became the mint head and Cole was sick on the day of the heist robbery with bronchitis, though in court, Dimmick swore it was him. Anyone can read about this case, for free, at the outstanding California Digital Newspaper Collection site.

All of this is just interpretations from what Pops told me growing up and what I have read on Google's digital library as it's free info. I remember as a kid when we went to the SF mint or the Carson City mint together, and him saying that most of the thefts were committed by employees of the mint. When I heard of the 1866 S MS66 Gold with NO Motto, I knew that was as rare as an 1870 CC $20 Lib in that high of condition, it was one of the most special coins that be found in the ground and all at once it seemed unlikely. To me MS 66, doesn't make sense, but... We're just trying to solve mysteries without any clues.

Things did move fast, I guess they wanted to break a story, but I’m sure you’ve had things happen in your life that ran faster than your windshield. (Don’t drive faster than your windshield, is the lesson here.) My grandpa was told YES. Did Walter N Dimmick take those coins from SF Mint in 1901, Yes, he was convicted of this crime.

Do I want to our Gov to take these coins these people supposedly found in the Sierra Foothills by John & Mary, if they were found on their property, NO WAY. But I think Dimmick hid his coins or Helen used them in later years as she only lived 5 blocks form her parents and some things just don't add up, but who really cares as the facts are those coins were found by John and Mary in the Sierra Foothills walking their Golden Retriever named Ole Yeller. (Ole Yeller was made up by me.)

SF Treasurer, Augustus C. Widber. In 1898 was discovered that Widber had gradually removed about $116,000 in gold coins from the Treasury vault, and none of it was ever recovered--he insisted that all of it had been spent. He was bonded and insured so the City did receive a partial reimbursement, but upon his release from San Quentin in early 1904, the insurance company filed suit to recover the money, since it was widely believed that he still had the gold hidden away. He had strong ties to the Mother Lode--his father, James H. Widber, who had a drugstore at the corner of 3rd and Market, had been a '49er and still had mining interests in the Sierra--and Augustus himself moved to Mokelumne Hill shortly after his release from prison. After about 1914 he seems to disappear from the public record. all very cool to chew on and think about folks.

My point being, After 1866 S Gold Lib NO MOTTO, they started putting "In God We Trust" On all $20 Gold Liberty's, was that connected to Lincoln's assassination, and why didn't we do something then?

I respect your opinion and thanks for the info. If anyone wants to talk, corner me in my drift boat you'll have a captured audience as they say...

Many Rivers to You, Jack Trout
530-918-8879 You might need a guide someday
My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!


  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 9,968 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Awesome first post!
  • Indeed, welcome, Mr. Trout.

    "In God We Trust" started appearing on coins before Lincoln's assassination. There was something of a religious awakening during the Civil War ... North and South wanted God on their side.

    And I didn't know this until I looked it up (wikipedia ... bleh): An Act of Congress passed on March 3, 1865, allowed the Mint Director, with the Secretary's approval, to place the motto on all gold and silver coins that "shall admit the inscription thereon." Of course, that pre-dated Lincoln's death by a month.
    Let's try not to get upset.
  • nwcoastnwcoast Posts: 2,853 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mr. trout!

    It sounds like you are living a dream of a life!
    Your first post was a fine read...
    And welcome to the forum!

    Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014

  • Welcome aboard....Gotta be best first post of the year award!
  • Oh thanks as I was a little scared everyone would want to beat me up!
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • Very nice post Mr. Trout! and welcome aboard!
  • coindeucecoindeuce Posts: 13,473 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Alligottasayis, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the BS crick. imageimageimageimageimage

    We could B'leve that the all seeing eye on the pyramid peak on every U.S. $1 F.R.N. is a secret coded message

    from the illuminati too. After all, Hollywood says so. image

    "Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon

  • BustCudsBustCuds Posts: 1,096 ✭✭✭


    A very nice read into history.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,337 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The only problem I have is that things CAN move fast when others are stroking one's ego and asking for their "expert opinion".
    To guess at things isn't that bad, but when one is talking to others, like the media, and are being poised as "expert opinion", which is sounds like in this case, speculation is not the best thing to do. Facts rule. Guessing doesn't.

    There is TOO MUCH going AGAINST these being coins stolen by Dimmick. Those thoughts have been posted in other threads/posts by other folks, and I agree with the vast majority of them. I won't go into all of them, but chief amongst them is WHY weren't these picked up prior to last year? Dimmick got out, right? If they were used by his daughter, why would she leave so many in the ground?

    Appreciate your joining the board and your first post. Just a shame that things went the way they did because all the negative speculation on these suck and people shouldn't be making up guesses based on "well, it could be this, or it could be that" type of thing.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭

    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • CaptHenwayCaptHenway Posts: 31,939 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome to the forums.

    As to one minor point in your post, my wife graduated from the University of California at Berkeley, and when she started there in the late 1960's there was still no tuition for state residents, a tradition that extended back before Dimmick's daughter went there, so he did not have to pay any tuition for her, just books and perhaps a few fees.

    As to the inclusion of In God We Trust on the U.S. coinage, that had been in the works long before Lincoln was assassinated. It was included when the two cent piece was introduced in 1864.
    Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
  • Sorry, Do you like fly fishing? Because everything's the guide's fault no extra charge! (That's included on my trips...)
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • Now there's some solid evidence. Thanks, jt
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • coindeucecoindeuce Posts: 13,473 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bwahaha! B-struck, too bad Oswego is actually nationally renowned for the quality of drift boat king salmon fishing in the Oswego River. Unless that guy is able to sprint on water, a king would strip his fly line off the reel faster than Jack Trout could gasp "Fish On !". image

    "Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon

  • SanctionIISanctionII Posts: 11,961 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome; and may I say congratulations to your family on disposing of the apartment building in SF in 1987 (I would not want to wish being a residential landlord in SF today on anyone and would much prefer fly fishing in the Northern Sierras and Southern Cascades).
  • What about Spruce Hall was that free?
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • Yea, one time my brother and I showed up there in the 80's and it wasn't the best neighborhood.
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • Hilarious!! Keep on with your fishing stories!
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • I stand corrected again, can someone help me on where to buy my next CC coin?
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • numismanumisma Posts: 3,877 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I stand corrected again, can someone help me on where to buy my next CC coin? >>

    Hi Jack, this is Dennis (we talked on the phone).

    As for buying, selling and trading coins, here's the forum I mentioned to you the other day.. It is called the BST, or Buy, Sell, Trade Forum.

    Welcome aboard!
  • SwampboySwampboy Posts: 12,930 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Saw the forum handle when you signed up.

    I'm glad it was really you image

    The entertainment can never be overdressed....except in burlesque

  • coindeucecoindeuce Posts: 13,473 ✭✭✭✭✭
    With the understanding that the Saddle Ridge hoard of coins contained high grade Mint state coins ranging over a span of over 25 years of different dates, most of if not all of which would NOT have been stored in Mint vaults for any fiscal or logistical reason - anyone who would believe otherwise is merely fantasizing for the sake of folklore.
    Realistically, for a Mint employee or employees to have attempted to smuggle UNISSUED gold coins over that span of time without detection would have been a feat beyond what even Edward Snowden accomplished. image

    "Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon

  • Thanks again Dennis for reaching out, that was so great of you, jt
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • Ok, so you know where John & Mary live? With Edward Snowden...?image
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • MGLICKERMGLICKER Posts: 7,995 ✭✭✭
    Welcome, Jack.

    We have no shortage of coin experts here, but a top notch fishing guide is priceless.
  • coindeucecoindeuce Posts: 13,473 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Ok, so you know where John & Mary live? With Edward Snowden...?image >>

    Mmmmkay. Please stick to trolling for fish in water. image

    "Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon

  • AuroraBorealisAuroraBorealis Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome JT and very enjoyable first post... What the heck are you doing as a fishing guide? You should be writing books... image
    I am kidding as I know from at one time in my life I guided hunting and fishing trips myself and it`s a wonderful lifestyle...

    Again welcome and I enjoyed your story very much!

  • No counterfeit here, it's Jack Trout. I thought I owed it to the coin forum to come forward and explain myself, while others might hide. jt
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • Well if you ever want to come up to Mount Shasta and float the Upper Sac in my raft on a private section, fly fish a little and talk coins, I'm all ears friend. jt

    Everything is the guide's fault, no extra charge! image
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 32,673 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Now there's some solid evidence. Thanks, jt >>

    to the right of "reply" is "quote"

    hit "quote" when you want the previous poster's message to appear to give context to what you are saying.

    I like some other person's or persons' point that the dates end in the late 1800's and not in the early 1900's. That's a huge haul that contains few if any 1900's coins. So they planned the theft to exclude newly minted coins so it looks more like an accumulated stash?

    There's too many "ifs" on this theory for me.

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions

  • << <i>

    << <i>Now there's some solid evidence. Thanks, jt >>

    to the right of "reply" is "quote"

    hit "quote" when you want the previous poster's message to appear to give context to what you are saying.

    I like some other person's or persons' point that the dates end in the late 1800's and not in the early 1900's. That's a huge haul that contains few if any 1900's coins. So they planned the theft to exclude newly minted coins so it looks more like an accumulated stash?

    There's too many "ifs" on this theory for me. >>

    A lot of if's, you're right, but it's everyone reading history is what is making me happy, we're going too fast forward these days, I don't ever want to use an Iphone, I still use wire tap. jt
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Welcome aboard....Gotta be best first post of the year award! >>

    Probably the best first post ever on this forum. Welcome!
  • AUandAGAUandAG Posts: 24,694 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just want to see pics of the sea run Browns in Chile that you caught. You might know my brother
    John Lindstrom (plays a mean banjo in Portola). Thanks for the post and welcome!

    Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 32,673 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Welcome aboard....Gotta be best first post of the year award! >>

    Probably the best first post ever on this forum. Welcome! >>

    You're saying he made quite a splash?
    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
  • 3keepSECRETif2rDEAD3keepSECRETif2rDEAD Posts: 4,285 ✭✭✭✭✭
    image JT... Way to man up and show your face here on the CU forums. This place is the Pro's when it comes to coin forums. I was born and raised in The Bay Area...I also refer to my Father as pops image

  • coindeucecoindeuce Posts: 13,473 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Welcome, Jack.

    We have no shortage of coin experts here, but a top notch fishing guide is priceless. >>

    About as priceless as Dave McCarthy (Regulated) would be on a fly fishing forum. image

    "Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon

  • << <i>I just want to see pics of the sea run Browns in Chile that you caught. You might know my brother
    John Lindstrom (plays a mean banjo in Portola). Thanks for the post and welcome!

    bobimage >>

    Sea Run Browns, Sea Run Browns!! Oh yea we have those here, this so great, You're all like a big happy family! How can i fit everyone in my boat? You all would love the great wines here in Chile for sure and we could just start grading coins in my boat..

    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • streeterstreeter Posts: 4,312 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well Jack Trout,

    A big Cal Golden Bear '75 and Herb Caen welcome.

    Have a nice day

  • << <i>

    << <i>Welcome aboard....Gotta be best first post of the year award! >>

    Probably the best first post ever on this forum. Welcome! >>


    Wow, thanks a lot, I'm reading this great book by J.S. Holliday called " The World Rushed In" I suggest everyone reads it, you really get an understanding on how the gold coins after 1848 came about. That's what put us on the map from there on out, jt
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • mariner67mariner67 Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Oh thanks as I was a little scared everyone would want to beat me up! >>

    Give it time, some here seem to enjoy doing that.
    More importantly, welcome!
    Successful trades/buys/sells with gdavis70, adriana, wondercoin, Weiss, nibanny, IrishMike, commoncents05, pf70collector, kyleknap, barefootjuan, coindeuce, WhiteTornado, Nefprollc, ajw, JamesM, PCcoins, slinc, coindudeonebay,beernuts, and many more

  • << <i>

    << <i>I just want to see pics of the sea run Browns in Chile that you caught. You might know my brother
    John Lindstrom (plays a mean banjo in Portola). Thanks for the post and welcome!

    bobimage >>

    Sea Run Browns, Sea Run Browns!! Oh yea we have those here, this so great, You're all like a big happy family! How can i fit everyone in my boat? You all would love the great wines here in Chile for sure and we could just start grading coins in my boat.. >>

    What year did John grad. Portola? I think I knew him? jt
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!

  • << <i>image JT... Way to man up and show your face here on the CU forums. This place is the Pro's when it comes to coin forums. I was born and raised in The Bay Area...I also refer to my Father as pops image

    Erik >>

    You can run but you can't hide from all the great coin people that just want to know the truth. I respect everyone out there and I want you to know I will always return your messages because I care and I want to learn from you. I'm all about good even though I don't know everything, I have to admit this so wonderful to meet all of you, it's just a golden experience!

    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!

  • << <i>image JT... Way to man up and show your face here on the CU forums. This place is the Pro's when it comes to coin forums. I was born and raised in The Bay Area...I also refer to my Father as pops image

    Erik >>

    Pops, is there any other way to respond, who needs a father, they don't let you go to the concerts or take you to coin shows? Great post, Thanks, JT
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!

  • << <i>

    << <i>Welcome, Jack.

    We have no shortage of coin experts here, but a top notch fishing guide is priceless. >>

    About as priceless as Dave McCarthy (Regulated) would be on a fly fishing forum. image >>

    I'd like to meet this David McCarthy and give him and the Saddle Ridge family a free guide trip of course an interview would be inline... jt
    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • CoinRaritiesOnlineCoinRaritiesOnline Posts: 3,657 ✭✭✭✭
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,071 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome aboard JT.....you've done this before in your previous life.
    Unique first post for sure.
  • blu62vetteblu62vette Posts: 11,904 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Well if you ever want to come up to Mount Shasta and float the Upper Sac in my raft on a private section, fly fish a little and talk coins, I'm all ears friend. jt

    Everything is the guide's fault, no extra charge! image >>

    A big welcome from Sunny Sactown!
    http://www.bluccphotos.com" target="new">BluCC Photos Shows for onsite imaging: Nov Baltimore, FUN, Long Beach http://www.facebook.com/bluccphotos" target="new">BluCC on Facebook

  • << <i>

    << <i>Well if you ever want to come up to Mount Shasta and float the Upper Sac in my raft on a private section, fly fish a little and talk coins, I'm all ears friend. jt

    Everything is the guide's fault, no extra charge! image >>

    A big welcome from Sunny Sactown! >>

    When you think about that it was 1848, we just bought the California territory from Mexico for $15,000,000.00 and relieved 3,000,000.00 in debts in the treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo,
    and Jim Marshall, bent over and found a pea sized nugget in the soil at Sutter's Fort, then there was 4000 living in California, the next year 90,000 left from every where in the world ( Mainly East Coast) to stake their claim or lose their lives on the trail. I love the story of the Mormon family Brennan, that left the East Coast by ship to escape religious prosecution, I mean having that many wives can have it's ups and downs man. So they headed to the Mexican/California near Sacramento and by the time they arrived it had become California not Mexico anymore, thus it became Mormon Island on the American River. He got to keep all is wives, right on! The gold mining era was amazing and tragic, but what it spawned was the generations of upon generations that became the movers and shakers in the world. This one event shaped history like no other in that one year, one territory went from the unknown to the greatest place to be on Earth.

    Soon after that it became Virginia City, Mark Twain, Black Bart, jt

    My passion has always been Carson City Coins ever since I was a kid when we would take drives from Portola, Ca to the Carson City Mint with my Pops.
    Then over to Virginia City and he would talk about the old west. We love the Old Granite lady too!
  • AUandAGAUandAG Posts: 24,694 ✭✭✭✭✭
    He grad from Sequoia in Redwood and instantly moved to Portola back in '59. A bit older
    perhaps than you.
    Be well,
    Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
  • blu62vetteblu62vette Posts: 11,904 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Well if you ever want to come up to Mount Shasta and float the Upper Sac in my raft on a private section, fly fish a little and talk coins, I'm all ears friend. jt

    Everything is the guide's fault, no extra charge! image >>

    A big welcome from Sunny Sactown! >>

    When you think about that it was 1848, we just bought the California territory from Mexico for $15,000,000.00 and relieved 3,000,000.00 in debts in the treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo,
    and Jim Marshall, bent over and found a pea sized nugget in the soil at Sutter's Fort, then there was 4000 living in California, the next year 90,000 left from every where in the world ( Mainly East Coast) to stake their claim or lose their lives on the trail. I love the story of the Mormon family Brennan, that left the East Coast by ship to escape religious prosecution, I mean having that many wives can have it's ups and downs man. So they headed to the Mexican/California near Sacramento and by the time they arrived it had become California not Mexico anymore, thus it became Mormon Island on the American River. He got to keep all is wives, right on! The gold mining era was amazing and tragic, but what it spawned was the generations of upon generations that became the movers and shakers in the world. This one event shaped history like no other in that one year, one territory went from the unknown to the greatest place to be on Earth.

    Soon after that it became Virginia City, Mark Twain, Black Bart, jt

    Sacramento >>

    Didn't they flood Mormon Island when the put up Folsom Dam?
    http://www.bluccphotos.com" target="new">BluCC Photos Shows for onsite imaging: Nov Baltimore, FUN, Long Beach http://www.facebook.com/bluccphotos" target="new">BluCC on Facebook

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