Re: Does anyone here remember the cautionary tale of Scrooge McDuck’s 1916 quarter?
I always enjoyed Scrooge McDuck. Especially when he was in his vault and actually diving into his pile of gold coins! (never thought about it then... but that had to have HURT!) (View Post)1 -
Re: Shine on you crazy silver....
Crazy silver holding it's own! With gold getting quite expensive for many people.... silver gonna shine! (View Post)2 -
Re: Why are Morgan Dollars Preferred Over Peace Dollars?
They evoke the feeling of the wild west.... easy to picture the clunk that silver dollar would make on the old wooden bar top. I personally do like the look of the Peace dollar. But the Morgan dollar… (View Post)5 -
Re: Congratulations to gold - New all time highs! $3050+!!!
And our friend silver is putting on a shine also! (View Post)2 -
Re: A real audit of the Ft. Knox gold may finally be coming
" When they find all the gold is there, then what? " If the gold is all there, and serial numbers match, and is a complete audit, and paper trails match for actual owners, and there is at l… (View Post)1