Best way to get PCGS mechanical mis- label errors fixed
I have more than a few to get corrected. Anyone with experience here? (View Post)1 -
Re: Cherrypickers Guide
FYI Ed 6 Vol iii out in fall is supposed to have some U.S Philippine .Varieties in it. I supplied about 20 photos to the Editor. Other collectors did so too. ,but not sure they will be used. I was as… (View Post)1 -
Re: U.S.-Philippines Pesos Chopmarked 1907 And After
I HAVE COLLECTED US PHILIPPINES SINCE1975. (49 YRS). Yes small date chopped pesos are very rare. In the 80'S at the Long Beach show at a dealers table/case, lee's collectibles (now deceased). I exami… (View Post)3 -
Re: Intercept Shield Box question
If you don't replace them before they deteriorate it will affect especially coppers . Turn some of my reds red/brown Paper inside started to crumble and droop, now became no better than any cheaper c… (View Post)4 -
Re: When is ANA 's WFOM coming again to California? 11 years since last!
Is California dying as a coin show location? Seems so to me. East coast folks don't want to come to california because of inflationary cost rises. Perceived homeless and crime. Which is mostly not ev… (View Post)4