Re: OT: Music thread -- post a song you like
I know that there's No Trademark Flannel... Just Trust Me... Now 4 Sure...you guys know this 1 is All Legit & Legal... There's my IHOP NFC Mug there...and some 70 Supers... and Yes the clock work… (View Post)1 -
Re: OT: Music thread -- post a song you like
hey ya Landry.... Lemme see what I can get 4 you from over on the Insta on some Physical Graffiti... while I was settin' up my screenshot there...I thought... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q4xNdWZOgu… (View Post)1 -
Re: OT: Music thread -- post a song you like
@LandrysFedora hey ya Landry... here ya go... Jimmy laying down some chords... https://www.instagram.com/thelegendsofmusic/reel/CdVL5ySDUO4/?locale=en-SG Hanging out in Knebworth... https://www.insta… (View Post)1 -
Re: OT: Music thread -- post a song you like
this was actually easier for me to do...🎧🎵🎶🎼 Hang On... There's Gonna Be A Part 2 Here... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wIxeOvClzR4&pp=ygUecGF0cmlvdHMgbW9uZGF5IG5pZ2h0IGZvb3RiYWxs (View Post)2 -
Re: Cool game to play to test your baseball knowledge
Too Tired 😴😴😴 to Think 🤔🤔 (View Post)1