Re: OT: Music thread -- post a song you like
@LandrysFedora hey ya Landry... here ya go... Jimmy laying down some chords... https://www.instagram.com/thelegendsofmusic/reel/CdVL5ySDUO4/?locale=en-SG Hanging out in Knebworth... https://www.insta… (View Post)1 -
Re: OT: Music thread -- post a song you like
this was actually easier for me to do...🎧🎵🎶🎼 Hang On... There's Gonna Be A Part 2 Here... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wIxeOvClzR4&pp=ygUecGF0cmlvdHMgbW9uZGF5IG5pZ2h0IGZvb3RiYWxs (View Post)2 -
Re: Cool game to play to test your baseball knowledge
Too Tired 😴😴😴 to Think 🤔🤔 (View Post)1 -
Re: Cool game to play to test your baseball knowledge
I just started thinking on the League Leaders on the 70 Topps...and went with The Capital Punisher... Help me out on the Bears 5000 Rec Yd's... I'm trying to think Old School Pre '83...Um No Luck... (View Post)1 -
Re: Cool game to play to test your baseball knowledge