Coinosaurus ✭✭✭✭✭
Been there. Standing over the copy stand (or photocopier) for hours is a lot harder than it looks......
Hey, do you think Dan Owens would be open to sharing any of the stuff he's pulling out of San Francisco NARA? Just saw the article in Coin World this week.
On the Philadelphia front, the copy stand there is being used by and it's still unclear if NARA will free it up for NNP use. I have an EAC guy who is ready to start working there.
Re: ANA Summer Seminar
The St. Mary's B&B is the place to stay - highly recommended. The ANA also used it for the instructor's reception. (View Post)3 -
Re: When is ANA 's WFOM coming again to California? 11 years since last!
Some things in numismatics are a win-win. Being on the ANA convention site selection committee is not one of them. (View Post)3 -
Re: Fairmont Hoard... New Auction
The market is just fine. Look at what happens anytime Doug lists a new batch of coins - the immediate sell rate is strong. Sometimes additional supply is OK, as it brings in new blood. (View Post)5 -
Re: What numismatic websites do you have bookmarked/saved?
I have a ton of sites bookmarked. The two with one-click access are Newman Portal and this forum. (View Post)1 -
Re: 1808 Engraved Aboliton of Slavery Coin Story...
This one falls in the "incredible claims require incredible proof" department. (View Post)1