Re: GTG - Four 1907-Ds For Research
Well, I'll be honest, my choices were mainly intuitive. "2" and "3" just looked like they had spent significant time in bags with other coins. And finally, "4" just look… (View Post)1 -
Re: GTG - Four 1907-Ds For Research
With the grades posted, thoughts mostly on other topics. First, punting on the questions of the existence of branch mint proofs, and whether "specimen" has any meaning in regards to these c… (View Post)1 -
Re: Songs With Coins In The Lyrics
"Sunken Waltz" by Calexico references the SBA dollar. (View Post)3 -
Re: 2011-P Ulysses S. Grant Dollar Anomaly
I think it's been exposed to high heat, post mint. It's often seen in the CuNi clad. (View Post)2 -
Re: New Variety Recognized for U.S. Philippines Half Dollar
Looking at additional halfs of 1918-19 and 1945 on CF, the most obvious difference to me is the presence or lack thereof of a small "knob" on the left slope of the volcano. In addition, the… (View Post)1