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  • UlyssesExtravaganza

    Hi. If you are checking back here let me know. Can imagine you might not because the talk was a little discouraging. I think its a little better situation than most were sharing. Its a trading card message board so most there dont have a lot of experience with magazines, including me. Think its more of a new collecting space so the rules may not be too clear yet and the way it works in 2025 is different than how it worked in 2017. Noone knows what it will be.

    I may try to collect them a little here and there. I held on to mine and think they are cool whatever value they have. If yours really are in great shape and you have certain copies and you would be interested in selling select copies and not the whole batch, I would be interested in talking to you. Can see the Nolan Ryan Reggie Jackson Pele Larry Bird Magic Johnson covers and the Swimsuit issues being appealing.



    February 3, 2025 5:35PM