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  • robertdpg
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    March 3, 2025 1:58PM
    • robertdpg

      I guess no one has heard of machine die doubling? That has already been established as a mint error. What do you think happens to those tiny little micro steps when the coin has been handled for a couple years of wear? That right kiddos they get worn off first and then you can’t distinguish them from a double die.

    • robertdpg

      If you have not attribute a coin successfully, then you really should not be commenting on my post because you have no experience and no expertise anymore than I.

      To even use a microscope to see the difference between hub Dublin or mechanical Dublin is going against the rules of coin collecting in the first place. It plainly says that a person is not supposed to use no more than a loop of 10 times magnification. At 10 times magnification you can’t tell the difference.

      The scenario is more plausible that most of the so-called hub doubling double dies are actually mechanical double die that has seen usage of the corn. Seeing that you had to use so much magnification to actually distinguish between a double die hub Dublin or a double die mechanical Dublin, very limited, where would erase such shelving that it would be undistinguishable from one another.

      There’s another example in coin collecting that poses the same problem the different plants that are being found, and you can see their different and don’t just weigh the same.

      Take for instance, the wartime Jefferson Nichols that are known to be stamped on different planchets. The only way they could be distinguished between each other is doing a gravity test on it that most people do not have and can cost up to $5000 to have it done and I would say most people don’t have that kind of disposable cash to take a chance on one coin. So those many many wrong plants go undiscovered. Due to lack of funds and when they do get posted on board like this, everybody just says it can’t possibly be although they do exist and are known.

      So just like an a Jefferson wartime nickel they can’t be distinguished whether is on a alloy planchet or a planchet then no other silver coin in anybody’s collection, no matter how distinguished or educated they are can actually prove that they have a silver coin or a alloy coin that is already been established even by the so-called experts themselves. So if even the most seasoned experts, can’t tell the difference than who or any of you to tell anyone that they don’t have a certain coin.

      Not attacking anyone or getting anyone’s feelings that is just the facts of collecting coins I know that the industry has certain standers and they have to have it to keep up the business and the value in the coins. But the industry has changed at times to when the rich people could get coins straight from the mint and put them into plastic holders they had the best coin. Then, when even the coins that were taken straight off the press steel toned then the toned then it became ok.

      Take for example, clean coins some people can say it looks a little different but the only way you can tell is to break the rules and use magnification 10 times greater than what the rule is called for.

      Good luck, hunting but don’t try to tell me something that even the experts can’t prove.

    • robertdpg

      Someone asked what I paid for the coin. I didn’t just purchase that coin it came with quite a few coins. Yes I took a little risk on what I got. But I view the picture and took the risk. I can say this there are some pretty good coins in it. They had earlier 1900 penny nickels dimes quarters. It even had about ten buffalo nickels. Now they are uncirculated in the later coins

      I have not had any graded or looked at but it was pretty much what the seller said it was. So your asking me if I got ripped off the answer is no. For one I knew I was taking the risk. The other is the coins I received met the expectation that I had for the price. Now some on hear doesn’t hold that company that placed the coins in high regard but it is enough documentation that a coin has not been circulated. The coins I received that were labeled uncirculated looked in considerable condition with uncirculated conditions from larger more reputable companies. Now some of the coins were junk and some were very good there were a few proof coins in the package. So yes there are some companies out there that are compatible to the large ones it just take some hunting. As for being searching I’m sure they were for the most expensive cherry coins. But as we all know there are a lot of coins out there worth a little money that are not on the cherry picking sheets.

      Did I expect to get a million dollar coin? No.
      Did I get what I expected? Yes.
      When I showed this one coin to the group did I think it was a million dollar coin? No.

      I do know they have found coins like it in the previous years. You don’t have to take my word for it and I don’t expect you to. The internet has mutable credible sites to look at.

      I’m not giving the price that I paid for the lot. I’m sure they are many out there to find if you look and I don’t want to be seen as recommending them or promoting them in any way. I have only done limited transactions with them so next time even I might have a less than wanted out come.

      But like I said there are a lot of good small businesses that have as good of products as their bigger counterparts. I never intended promoting or even speaking of where I perceived the coins but some on here have questioned my intelligence for taking a chance on them but seems they are speaking about something they know nothing about. None of them that spoke on the subject had bought any of the coins in this holder from this company. They just said there were no good.

      I ask how do you know if you personally did not buy any? Like I said before they didn’t show my ignorance but their own in my humble opinion. Why would a person speak on the matter if they don’t know?

      There are multiple different markets in coin collecting. Two of the biggest are the graded and ungraded from sellers like EBay.

      I understand that if you want your coin held to the highest standard that service like pcgs and ngc are the go to companies. But I can tell you this if actually stuck with the current grading standards and just used 10x magnification then most if not all of people could not tell the difference between a $10 coin and a coin worth multiple thousand of time the value.

      I’m not taking away from the experience of the top graders or collectors in the community but if they’re honest they will tell you the same thing.

      The grading companies say they use the industry standard but then they break the standards every day like the over 10x magnification. Just call it like it is. Like I said in previous post it worries me that having so few grading companies and people making these calls on what a coin is then the temptation of controlling the market is two great.

      We are talking about people that can spend on one coin the annual budget of small counties. That’s not a stretch. Go to the high end places and look at past sells a million dollar coin is not unusual in today’s time. I’m sure some of those men would not like to loose millions of dollars if another like it is found.

      I think that it’s fine if people want to pay the premiums for the extra scrutiny because if they didn’t then the grading business would not exist. I just think there should be more safe guards so when that little guy does find the rare opportunity to get coins like that to the market then he gets a fair shake too.