Scorpio ✭
So I've been searching the webb an have a few questions for clarification and greatly appreciate anyone that takes the time out of their day to answer an help me with these questions... Am I correct in now having come to the conclusion that really the only way/or best in absolution of knowing what any one of the coins I have value truly is...Is to send it in to PCGS for authentication and grading? An if this is correct an they authenticate an grade it, of course I can then look in their price guide for their listed price, but at this point is it the appropriate an correct next step to list it on any site for the price listed as far as a"Buy it now price"? An if I were to place it for auction how do I know what the appropriate starting bid price to list for it? Ty so much for your time and consideration in helping me with these questions so I know longer make a dam fool of myself 🤣
Everyone have a blessed evening,