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raul mondesi to yanks....

grrr....put another ring on the yanks! i hate to say it but they keep buying their way to the world series, im not just saying this cuz of mondesi but they have an all star lineup! i dont like the yanks but i cant hate on em either!


  • KOBEcollectorKOBEcollector Posts: 3,873 ✭✭
    im not a yankees fan but i'd have to disagree a bit with the point that you made about them buying their way to the w.s it's true that they do have a high payroll but if you look at their roster many of their players are guys that were brought up thru their minor league system. guys like jeter,mariano,posada,bernie williams,soriano,pettite. i do give them credit for good scouting.
  • ha...your right not bad scouting job but still...giambi...clemens...every player deep down in their hearts wants to be a yankee lol
  • SkiVermont3SkiVermont3 Posts: 3,053 ✭✭
    wow...you cant name anyone else other than clemens and giambi...interesting. i love the yankees, and they have a high payroll because they reward their players for playing so well
  • YanksFanYanksFan Posts: 1,305 ✭✭
    Clemens, Mussina, Giambi, and now Mondesi. Only 1(so far) has helped the Yankees win a W.S. Alot of fans say they HATE the Yankees, but why do nearly all of there away games sell out. Hopefully Mondesi will get back to .280-.300/25-35 HR's. With all the support in the line up I wouldn't be suprised. Good trade though, ROY for a minor league pitcher. But...

    Were all made stars by the Yankees, all have been Yankees since Single-A.

    Nobody can stop this lineup

    Brett knows what I'm saying, a Dynasty!
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    Yankees won't win another WS. The Braves will win the World Series this year. Laugh now, but just remember you heard it here first. Not only do we have the best record in baseball (also won AGAIN tonight) with a 52-30 record, but we have an all-around team now. Teams of the past, there was always a certain missing link...we have it all...Offensive, bench players who have already been key this season, starting pitching, bullpen pitching, many role players...I could go on. Not to mention our bullpen is #1 in the Majors. Pitching wins games...and without pitching, NO team will do well.

    Now, Back to the point. Raul Mondesi is a joke. He's hitting just .224, and has already caused problems in Toronto with his attitude, and the guy is as bad as Dennis Rodman and Isiah Rider showing up late to practice and what have you. I'd love to see this deal come back and bite the Yanks on the a$$...because the guy is a trouble-maker and he might not help the "chemistry" of the team...He may go in there and damage it. But, what do you expect? The Yankees could care less if the guy was a crackhead...they'd go out and get him because he's a top name guy...and usually players are labeled a "top name guy" when they have done well in their earlier years...but it continues to stick with them...take Jose Canseco for example. Look at D. Strawberry...Yankees had him and kept giving the crackhead opportunity after opportunity when they should have waived or got rid of the guy the FIRST time. That's no class at all. Then, you got Mr. 28 year old "prospect" thief that likes to steal things...who will they buy/trade for next? I hope this comes back to haunt them...
  • YanksFanYanksFan Posts: 1,305 ✭✭
    You continue to make me laugh!!! Look at how LOW there overall batting avg. is!!! Oh well, you and your funny talk, thanks for lifting my spirits, good laugh!
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