Home Precious Metals

Why can't you buy gold or platinum

from the mint in real time with out waiting for this long of a time any thoughts


  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,090 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Because it's a government agency. So it's slow, ineffecient and at times inept.
  • you think so it's been a while i'm surprised
    good faith and all
  • percybpercyb Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭✭
    If people would just stop ordering gold from the mint, I could get mine a lot faster!! image
    "Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world." PBShelley
  • Maybe because they want to give you fiat paper for your valuable items and not the other way around.

    The US Mint wouldn't even make them if Congress hadn't forced it.
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