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I just noticed that the PCGS price guide for Lincoln cents shows some increases this week in the mid range grades. About five of my business strikes in the registry were up. Also the lower end 1909VDB MPL's were again increased. Still a huge gap there between 63 & 64 pricing which I continue to wonder if that kind of gap is "real". The high end material has a few selected down prices which may be reflective of the auctions. I would guess that after Baltimore we will see more pricing activity in the series. JMHO. Steveimage


  • WaterSportWaterSport Posts: 6,862 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I saw the increases also and felt that in three weeks, we will see more changes so hang on.

    Proud recipient of the coveted PCGS Forum "You Suck" Award Thursday July 19, 2007 11:33 PM and December 30th, 2011 at 8:50 PM.
  • I want to know why PCGS hasn't lower prices for modern Lincoln proofs they continue to be weak at auction they have made some adjustements upward to Matte proofs but haven't touched any other Lincoln proofs
  • WaterSportWaterSport Posts: 6,862 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I honestly think that while it consumes a huge amount of time to keep the list up, the number of drops in every series across the board is tremendous. It would not be a pretty marketing picture to show every page of every coin in the red. So I think they simply are not keeping it up because it will not do PCGS any favors to show the market down. I do not see people beating each other bidding unless the coin is exceptional. In fact a personal story. A guy listed a NGC PR 65 1951 cent with Cameo on Ebay for $250 and marked it down to $230 after a couple of days with no takers. But 11 people made offers as everyone knows the coin was worth more than $250, but everyone was on the cheap trying to buy it even lower. That would not have happened a year ago.

    Proud recipient of the coveted PCGS Forum "You Suck" Award Thursday July 19, 2007 11:33 PM and December 30th, 2011 at 8:50 PM.
  • ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,886 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe the "eye appeal" factor?
  • PCGS finally made some adjustments to moderns lincoln proofs maybe it was my suggestion on this message board??? image
  • RBinTexRBinTex Posts: 4,328

    Would it be a sound methodology to measure the (range of?) the ratio of the NGC 51 CAM bids/offers (avg?) to the PCGS price guide for it in the same grade was a way to infer the markets expectation of it crossing at the same grade? e.g. $250/825=30% image
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