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Anyone every meet a celebrity in person?

Just to keep the forum from being to boring I thought I would ask if anyone has meet a celebrity in person (up close). I've only meet a few up close and spoke with them or ask for an autograph. I'll list them below.
De Tesoro Cazador

Ronnie Milsap - at the airport in Seatle
George Lindsey - at Woolworth in Muscle Shoals Alabama
George Jones - at his home in Muscle Shoals, Alabama

*I know there are a few more but I can't think of them at the moment
Digging trash and treasure since 1977


  • Thought of another.

    Red West - Elvis's friend and grumpy old sarge on Ba Ba Black Sheep. Lives here in town and I see him every now and then

    De Tesoro Cazador
    Digging trash and treasure since 1977
  • I met Peter Gammons image
  • PipestonePetePipestonePete Posts: 1,951 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hubert Humphrey
    Jim Lovell
    Harry Chapin
    Collective Soul
  • Not to many autograph collectors here. I guess they don't like forums huh?
    Digging trash and treasure since 1977
  • ok here goes my list.....
    joan baez..i got to go backstage and meet her for like 5-10 mins....she gave me a hug to help make me less nervous...she was not sure if it would help or make it worse...ha ha
    judy collins
    peter yarrow (of peter paul and mary) his son owns a store here in town and i see him very often.
    terry goodkind (a very well known fantasy author)
    kareem abdul jabbar (book signing)
    the recently departed ODETTA
    and several other authors...we have a huge bookstore that draws tons of people.
    bill walton
    my t-205's

    looking for low grade t205's psa 1-2
  • Cool!
    Digging trash and treasure since 1977
  • ive meet chad johnson, deion sanders, and joe nuxhall was my great uncle!
    who dey!

    looking for 1964 topps baseball psa graded 7+
  • oh and bill clinton
    my t-205's

    looking for low grade t205's psa 1-2
  • I have exchanged conversation however briefly with;
    Jimmy the Greek
    Bill Hands
    Ram Das
    Lindsay Davenport
    Randy Savage
    Lex Lugar
    Greg Bingham
    Jim Florio
    Chief J Strongbow
    Donny Most is a distant cousin whom I have never met.

  • Dang! That's a lot of Celeb's.
    Digging trash and treasure since 1977
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    ann margaret
    bob hope
    all kinds of u.s.o. people over in asia
    all kinda of militaryb rass and presidents and politicians from johnson to now
  • I have met a lot of sports figures over the years at signings or events. Year before last I went to all the Cleveland Indians baseball playoff games and got to meet Joe Charboneau (former Rookie of the Year), Len Barker (Indians Hurler who pitched a perfect game) and Mike Hegan.

    Here's a list of great ball players/people I've crossed paths with~

    Bob Feller
    Pete Rose
    Alan Trammel
    Lou Groza
    Mike Garcia
    Joe Carter
    Vincent Price
  • Do you mean Vincent Price the actor? That would be unbelievably cool!
    el tesoro Cazador
    Digging trash and treasure since 1977
  • Yeah - I actually met him on our college campus where I was taking tv & radio broadcasting. For our college news broadcast we interviewed him for the show and afterwards I got to ask him some questions and got his autograph. Very extraordinary man!
  • Arsenal83Arsenal83 Posts: 1,176 ✭✭✭
    Cool thread. Here's my list:

    Jamie Foxx a few times at Hard Rock in Vegas
    Jerome Bettis at a sports bar and again in Vegas
    Adam Sandler at an Angels game
    Tom Arnold (bought him a beer at an Angels game)
    Brian Downing, Lance Parish, Rod Carew, JT Snow, Jim Edmonds, Tim Percival (at signings)
    Bill Walton at the halftime of a Lakers game
    Chick Hearn and Stu Lantz (Lakers announcers) - we used to have seaosn tickets right next to where they did their broadcasts so I would bug them for autographs every game. After about a month or two, they knew me and my sister by our first names - that was pretty cool.
    Thomas Dooley (former USA soccer player) is a friend of mine
    Richard Dean Anderson "MacGyver" at the mall
  • jimradjimrad Posts: 2,777 ✭✭✭
    Jack Nicholson - Laker games got a photo
    Magic Johnson
    Halle Berry
    Denzel Washington
    Matthew Perry
    Dustin Hoffman
    Tom Hanks
    Cuba Gooding Jr
    Muhammad Ali
    George Foreman
    Eddie Van Halen
    Celine Dion
    John Candy
    Wayne Gretzky
    Gordie Howe
    Sandy Koufax
    Pete Rose
    I could go on & on as I live in LA and have been to many big events over the years
    These are people I have been lucky enough to meet, not just see them but actually meet.
    Positive transactions with: Bkritz,Bosox1976,Brick,captainthreeputt,cpettimd,craigger,cwazzy,DES1984,Dboneesq,daddymc,Downtown1974,EAsports,EagleEyeKid,fattymacs,gameusedhoop,godblessUSA,goose3,KatsCards,mike22y2k,
  • purduepetepurduepete Posts: 791 ✭✭✭
    I'm not big into collecting autographs, but I do have two instances of meeting sports celebreties in person:

    In the early 90's, I was flying from Chicago to Minneapolis, and I noticed Minnie Minoso in the gate area. There were many people going up to him to get his autograph, and his personal assistant would pull out 8x10's for him to sign for all who asked. I didn't want to bother him too - I was just excited to see him since I am a big White Sox fan. Anyway, it turned out that I got to sit across the aisle from him, and I was able to talk with him for much of the flight. He was/is a super nice guy; plus, I got an autographed 5x7 from him too!

    The only autograph that I actually paid to get was Bobby Hull's. He was signing at a card show in Bloomington, MN in the mid 90's. I bought a puck at the show for him to sign, and I also brought a slat that I broke from the seat that I was sitting in at the last hockey game in the old Chicago Stadium for him to (hopefully) sign as well. He got a kick out of seeing the piece of seat, and mentioned that he and his brother Dennis would sometimes shoot pucks into the stands during practice to see how high they could get them to go.

    Collecting: Topps 1952-79, Bowman 1952-55, OPC 1965-71, and Pre-War White Sox cards
  • you know i can say i saw mickey mantle at a card show sometime in the 90's...he wanted $75 to sign stuff...man i regret not selling stuff so i could get him to sign it.....
    my t-205's

    looking for low grade t205's psa 1-2
  • monica lewinsky
  • Where did you see Monica at?
    Digging trash and treasure since 1977
  • ColinCMRColinCMR Posts: 1,482 ✭✭✭
    Haven't ever met any headliners, but this is my list

    Marc Garneau at a signing when I was a child, he was the first Canadian in space

    Bam Margera - at a skateboard demo

    Rolf-Dieter Heuer, particle physicist/ DG of CERN - at a lecture

    Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada - at a graduation ceremony, she received an honorary doctorate

    and some former Ottawa Senators NHL players - when i used to work at a restaurant

    Tom Green
  • DeloreanDelorean Posts: 476 ✭✭✭
    Graham Nash
    Peter Frampton
    Gordon Lightfoot
    Bob Ralston Lawrence Welk's organist!)
    Gene Simmons ( He is really impressed with himself)
    Gary Lewis

    Ever Onward
  • I went to high school with lebron james and also was a scorecard carrier at the World Series of Golf when i was younger and had tiger woods and phil mickelson in the same group two years in a row.
  • KentuckyJKentuckyJ Posts: 1,871 ✭✭✭

    None of these people would remember me ...

    Jack Nicklaus
    Arnold Palmer
    Jayne Mansfield
    Gala Dali (wife of Salvador Dali)
    John Denver
    Brewer and Shipley
    George McGovern
    Mother Teresa
    Bob Dylan
    Colin Powell

  • intenceintence Posts: 1,255
    no celebrities where i live
  • Bummer!
    Digging trash and treasure since 1977
  • Kent McCord (TV show Adam 12) at the Long Beach Grand Prix 1977 or '78
    Randy "Duke" Cunningham years before he became a crooked congresscritter. He personalized his autobiography for me at an airshow here in Southern Cal.
    Gen. Adolf Galland personalized a biography for me at a book signing here in Long Beach, Ca. I was later given his autobiography with his autograph in it by a friend.
    Coco Montoya at a club he played in Pomona, Ca.
    Potestas Democraticorum delenda est!
    Joel 3:10

    “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” -Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

    “We Are All Socialists Now" - Feb 16, 2009 cover of Newsweek Magazine
  • Sean Penn, Pam Anderson, President Nixon,
  • KentuckyJKentuckyJ Posts: 1,871 ✭✭✭

    > Just to keep the forum from being to boring

  • TennisCoachTennisCoach Posts: 321 ✭✭✭
    Some of my family work in hollywood, so I have met alot of people.

    I enjoy meeting a well known person like anyone would, but I am not enamoured by celebrities like most people. I used to collect autographs of athletes and celebrities, and give them to family and close friends that were "big fans". I have sold a few too, if any of the Collectors Universe members are fans of these celebrities/athletes, let me know and I will give you a good price like $10 for some. I have obtained autographs at parties, luncheons, after contract talks, on studio lots, at sporting events. Etc. All items are in new/mint condition. Just send me a Private message by clicking on the lock on the right hand side of this message.

    Here is a short story some of you may enjoy; I met Steven Tyler (Aerosmith), "Hey Steven, don't you think you should have shaved for this party, some of these models are afraid to get their face scratched (Steven smiles). I ask Sandra O'Niel who I met earlier that evening and was standing nearby, "what do you think of Steven's new look. She grabs his face, "oooohh Spikey." "Like a cactus, now when I see your videos I will think of a singing cactus." Sandra left, Steven looked bewildered, I let out a small laugh to lighten the mood a little. "Steven, did you just get dissed for not shaving." "Yeah, I think so." "Well, I wouldn't worry about it, I am sure models have lots of practice telling men off (Jokingly) maybe thats her way of flirting. "You think." "No, not really."

    Here are some of the Celebrity/Sports items I have

    Antonio Banderas (Cover of Entertainment Weekly magazine Oct, 6th 1995)
    Mike Singletary (Bears photo and portrait)
    Oscar Robertson (Basketball Legend; Photo Signed Best wishes Oscar Robertson)
    Richard Hamilto (Detroit Pistons photo)
    Lamar Odom (Basketball Photo)
    Correy Maggette (Basketball Photo)
    Dennis Quaid (actor Photo)
    Jack Nicholson (Legendary Actor)
    Gary Busey (actor Photo)
    Joe Pesci (actor Photo)
    Samuel L. Jackson (Top Grossing Movies Actor All-Time)
    Richard Dreyfus (actor Photo)
    Lou Diamond Phillips (actor Photo)
    Randy Quaid (actor Photo)
    Chris O'Donnell (actor Photo)
    Natasha Henstridge (actress Photo)
    Jennifer Love Hewitt (actress Photo)
    John Wooden (Legendary UCLA basketball Coach; Cover of Special Edition magazine)

    Family, Neighborhood, Community,
    make the World a better place.

  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    Figured I would throw my bunch in.

    Ringo Starr (plane flight)
    Charles Durning (plane flight)
    Terry Pratchett (author)
    Frank Sinatra (in VEGAS BABY!!!)
    Jimmy Buffett and all the Coral Reefer band members
    Louie Anderson (playing video poker in Vegas)
    Daniel Ortega (ex pres of Nicarauga, met him at a poker table in Costa Rica)
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

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