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Peavy sweepstakes Braves v Cubs

It sounds like the Padres are probably going to be trading Peavy to one of these teams. I obviously want him to go to the Braves, we would be giving up Escobar, which is a major part of our team, but i think with Peavy under contract for 4 more years (i think), it would be a great deal for the Braves.

Screw the Cubs, they can resign Dempster.
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  • With the state of our pitching staff, we NEED Peavy.

    Get it done Frank!!!!
  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,123 ✭✭✭✭✭
    All I can say is that I've been a Padres fan ever since I was old enough to be one. The first game I can remember going to was Bat Night against the Pirates in 1971 (yes, they used to give away actual full-sized wooden bats to like the first 15,000 kids to enter the stadium). I was 8 years old at the time.

    With what Padre ownership/management is doing to Jake Peavy and Trevor Hoffman, I flat out, will never again root for the Padres...They can kiss my butt goodbye!!!!!imageimage

    If I was one of their players, I would absolutely do whatever I could to get out of there, just due to their incompetent and stupid owner and management. imageimage

  • what exactly are they doing to hoffman? he's old, and he cant hit 85 on the radar gun. Peavy is another story; one of the top 5 pitchers in the NL. they should lock him up forever.
  • bman90278bman90278 Posts: 3,453 ✭✭✭

    << <i> what exactly are they doing to hoffman? he's old, and he cant hit 85 on the radar gun. Peavy is another story; one of the top 5 pitchers in the NL. they should lock him up forever. >>

    You make great sense, but your're talking about the Padres...You know how that works. If Peavy ends up in Chicago or Atlanta I would rather see him in Atlanta.

  • Just my opinion of course, but I think Peavy is overrated. I do not understand why either team that is interested in his services is not paying any attention to the fact that he became a perennial All Star in the most pitcher friendly park in the majors.
  • home vs. Away

    games W L ERA K's
    103 0 41 27 0 3 1 678 2.77 543 216 209 47 717

    96 0 45 35 0 3 2 583 3.80 546 268 246 81 539

  • << <i>Just my opinion of course, but I think Peavy is overrated. I do not understand why either team that is interested in his services is not paying any attention to the fact that he became a perennial All Star in the most pitcher friendly park in the majors. >>

    Even if Peavy's numbers are a little worse than they have been, he'd still be 10x better than anyone on our staff not named Jurrjens.
  • TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    I don't really think the Cubs are in the running for Peavy. The Braves are the clear frontrunner at this point. The Cubs need left-handed hitting, not another ace.
  • I feel the same way as little Ralpie Wiggins there, Hoffman is DONE, DONE, DONE! Why on earth would they want to bring him back for the ridiculous money he commands (3 million would be about right, but it's just all greed). Believe me, Heath Bell will be one of the better closers in the NL next year.
    As for Peavy, he's one of the best, no doubt. I wish the Jays would get in on the bidding. I don't want to see him on the Braves though. Whoever ends up with him will have a good shot at a win every 5 days.
  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,123 ✭✭✭✭✭
    All I'm saying about Hoffman, is that the Padres should've been honest with him. I agree that he should retire. But for the Padres to offer him a contract that they know he'll turn down, just so the Padres can "save face" is cowardly. Be HONEST with him. Tell him he doesn't fit in to the team's plans any more. He, his agent, and the fans (including me) would respect that!!!

    It's like what I read today on ESPN.com about the Cubs and Kerry Wood. It sounds anyway, that the Cubs were honest with Kerry, and told him he just didn't fit in with their plans, and that he'd be better off going somewhere else where he could get the contract he deserves. That's the professional way to do it!!!

    The Padres' management doesn't have a clue about honesty and professionalism at this point. They're out to save their own butts and make themselves not look bad. Well, it ain't working!!! Padre fans see right through them, and THIS Padre fan has had it with them (mainly due to the Peavy fiasco)!!! image

  • Hey Steve, I understand your frustration. Remember, I was an Expos fan (and they traded Pedro Martinez--still haunts me to this day)!
    But I think players have to understand their roles as well. 5 years ago Hoffman was probably the best closer in the NL, routinely topped 91-93, and was flat out dominant. I had him on one of my fantasy teams last year and he killed the Padres for the first 2 months of the year. There was trade talk, and talk of the Padres simply not offering him a contract. I think what they tried to do was just say look, we want you here to help Bell, but he's going to eventually be the man. If you want to stay and help him take this contract (as you've soaked us, the Padres, for more than 50-75 million over your career), and guide him. I don't see anything wrong with offering a guy what you feel he's worth, and what you can afford. The Padres are never going to be a $150 million team, so they have to make hard choices. With Peavy they probably feel they're not quite good enough going into the year, so they might as well get something for their best player (value-wise). Can you blame them? We all want the best players to stay, that just isn't baseball nowadays.
    Speaking of the Padres though, what are the odds Hairston gets fulltime ab's next year. This guy murders lefties but just keeps platooning--are they ever going to give him a full 6 week trial? What do you think?
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