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Roanoke, VA Card Show Saturday.

I mentioned this show in a post a while back and someone asked me about it. The show is at Valley View mall on Saturday. It is not a big show but it is pretty nice, it is worth going to if you are in the area. I will be set up if anyone desides to drop by LMK.


  • mkg809mkg809 Posts: 1,320 ✭✭
    I may show up, I'm 2 hours away. Know where your table will be?
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,573 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Allen - What happened with that card you waited to send in out of (in your own words) sheer laziness? I cant remember the card, but I remember wanting to know how it graded. lol

    Edited to add - Frank Thomas NNOF
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Allen- I'm about 4 hours away in Baltimore. A little too far, but if you ever do a show a little closer, let me know.
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    It is a small show with about 15 dealers but there is some good stuff there most of the time. I am not sure where my table will be.

    nam812- The Thomas NNOF is at BGS and the grade should pop by the 26th.
  • Do most of the dealers stay all day (10am to 9pm)?
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    A lot of dealers pack up by 6 or 7 pm. The mall gets full of mall rat kids by then, but I heard they have since made it that afer 4 you have to be 18 or be with a parent so this may change.
  • How was the show Allen? Since I'm only 15 minutes away I'm usually a regular to the show. However I was out of town Saturday and missed it.

  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    It is this Saturday so you have not missed it yet haha. What do you collect? You have probably bought cards from me before.
  • 1960toppsguy1960toppsguy Posts: 1,130 ✭✭
    Is it Saturday only, not Sunday? I'll be there Sunday.
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    Yeah it is only Saturday.
  • Cool, I'll be there Saturday. Guess I should look at my calendar before I post, lol. If you get an idea of where your table may be, let me know and I'll stop by. I'll be easy to spot, I'm 6'3" 260 and ugly. If my wife tags along I'll be the ugly guy with the pretty wife who will be nagging me to go the GAP with her.
  • 1960toppsguy1960toppsguy Posts: 1,130 ✭✭
    How does that always happen?image
  • Hey Mr.Allen, if you get a chance , could you P/M me ?
    I still haven't figured out how to get the names to pop up to message anyone .

    Thank you .

  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    Last time I was set up infront of where the escalators are along the railing. Not sure if I will be in the same place. I am usually the only young guy (22) set up.
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    Update to let everyone know I will be set up at the show tomorrow. If you make it to the show come by and say hi. Look for the college guy with the white polo and black hat. Hope to see a few of you there.
  • I took a little visit to the show today and this is what I thought....

    Travel round trip = 6 hours

    Gas = $85.00

    Leaving the show early to visit a card store and in walks a gentleman with a PSA sub box with 100+ T206s = Priceless (In the box was a nice Hal Chase PSA 8 with a wonderful red background)

    Not my kind of show but who asked. Decent number of tables but mostly modern stuff, comics and Nascar. Didn't buy anything but my wife spent $250 at the Disney Store. We're going to Disney real soon with the girls so it was okay.

    $250 could have gotten me a card for my sets. image

    I did visit Allen's table today and I was impressed by his display and he was a nice guy. (Black hat and white polo shirt as promised)

    I hit a couple of card shops on the way back and bought nothing. To picky!!! At least I don't have to enter a ton of crap into Quicken tonight. image

    That's my update. I would recommend the show for modern card collectors.
  • Didn't buy anything but my wife spent $250 at the Disney Store.

    My wife does love the Disney Store.

    Enough Disney crap in our house for the next 20 Christmas Eves.
  • I to visited the show and met Allen. This was a nice little show with mostly modern stuff. The weather was perfect so the crowds were kind of small. I also took the family. I believe the wife and kids spent a few hundred dollars. My wife broke down and bought my oldest son a Yankees hat. image Being a pirate fan it was tough. The youngest bought a giants hat. image The only cards that we got were the ones that Allen gave the kids for free. You need to find his table at the shows he really insists on giving stuff away for free image.

    Thanks Allen!!
  • Sorry I didn't make it to meet you Allen. My wife and I took the kids to their Grandma's for the day in Pulaski. I will definately catch you at a show in the near future.

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