PSA needs to get their act together!

So I'm just about fed up with PSA right now. Their customer service process is so f-ing messed up. I sent a package on Monday 7/2 by Priority Mail to PSA/DNA with some signed baseballs, photos, etc. for authentication. Well, I wait and wait and I never received an email confirming that my order was received and logged in last week, so I give them the benefit of the doubt with the July 4th holiday, that maybe it didn't get there until last Monday. Long story short after checking numerous times last week and no record of it being logged in I called PSA yesterday to inquire about the order. The girl tells me that they have NO RECORD of the sub being received by them and she even checks to make sure and she tells me to check with USPS about the status. So I go today and the Post Office tells me that it was received at the address on 7/5 at 5:30 pm. So I'm already pissed at this point that I have wasted my time to go to the PO, so when I get back to work I have an email from PSA stating:
Your order cannot be processed until we receive authorization to charge the correct shipping fee of $27.05 (marked as $13.95).
Thank you,
Customer Service
Collectors Universe Inc.
So at this point I call PSA to find out why the heck it took so long to tell me there was a problem, and also why they told me yesterday that they had no record of it. Well the girl says, unfortunately, that is not their (PSA's) fault, it is PSA/DNA's fault because they are backed up and it is taking an extra long time for orders to get logged in the system for them?????????????? WHAT? How are they not the same thing? I don't want an answer from her that "Sir, just to let you know this is not customer service's problem, it is an issue with PSA/DNA." Isn't that what customer service is for in the first place FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE, meaning you try and SERVE the CUSTOMER. I can't understand why PSA makes the CUSTOMER call and inquire, and dig into why their order might be on the problem shelf. I always fill out my orders properly and follow the step-by-step process that they advise but on this order it's like figuring out an Advanced Calculus III problem to figure out the proper return shipping fee on auto graded items (8 items). I have not had the correct amount on my order forms before and they always just mark it out and charge the correct amount to my Credit Card and log my sub into the system. My major problem with all of this is that PSA seems to not care about the customer and is always looking for some reason to shift blame for a problem, or they provide crappy service when you call to inquire about something. I know I speak for alot of collectors on hear when I say that THAT'S NOT HOW YOU TREAT CUSTOMERS OR DO BUSINESS! You are suppossed to "role out the carpet for them", not try every way possible to piss them off. All I wanted was a response "Sir, I'm sorry that your process was sent to the problem shelf, where it sat for 7 whole business days until we actually got around to contacting you and telling you why there was a problem." Something to that affect. Instead, I get "Sir, just to let you know that is not OUR problem, it is PSA/DNA's problem." No apology, nothing, just well it's not our fault, things are real busy over there right now.

Does anybody else get treated the way that I do by them? I have spent probably $5,000-$6,000 in grading fees with them in the past 2-3 years and this is how I get treated. Shame on PSA
Your order cannot be processed until we receive authorization to charge the correct shipping fee of $27.05 (marked as $13.95).
Thank you,
Customer Service
Collectors Universe Inc.
So at this point I call PSA to find out why the heck it took so long to tell me there was a problem, and also why they told me yesterday that they had no record of it. Well the girl says, unfortunately, that is not their (PSA's) fault, it is PSA/DNA's fault because they are backed up and it is taking an extra long time for orders to get logged in the system for them?????????????? WHAT? How are they not the same thing? I don't want an answer from her that "Sir, just to let you know this is not customer service's problem, it is an issue with PSA/DNA." Isn't that what customer service is for in the first place FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE, meaning you try and SERVE the CUSTOMER. I can't understand why PSA makes the CUSTOMER call and inquire, and dig into why their order might be on the problem shelf. I always fill out my orders properly and follow the step-by-step process that they advise but on this order it's like figuring out an Advanced Calculus III problem to figure out the proper return shipping fee on auto graded items (8 items). I have not had the correct amount on my order forms before and they always just mark it out and charge the correct amount to my Credit Card and log my sub into the system. My major problem with all of this is that PSA seems to not care about the customer and is always looking for some reason to shift blame for a problem, or they provide crappy service when you call to inquire about something. I know I speak for alot of collectors on hear when I say that THAT'S NOT HOW YOU TREAT CUSTOMERS OR DO BUSINESS! You are suppossed to "role out the carpet for them", not try every way possible to piss them off. All I wanted was a response "Sir, I'm sorry that your process was sent to the problem shelf, where it sat for 7 whole business days until we actually got around to contacting you and telling you why there was a problem." Something to that affect. Instead, I get "Sir, just to let you know that is not OUR problem, it is PSA/DNA's problem." No apology, nothing, just well it's not our fault, things are real busy over there right now.

Does anybody else get treated the way that I do by them? I have spent probably $5,000-$6,000 in grading fees with them in the past 2-3 years and this is how I get treated. Shame on PSA

"A flute with no holes is not a flute, a donut with no holes is a danish" - Chevy Chase
"I have a split personality, and he is a regular SOB"
"I have a split personality, and he is a regular SOB"
shimmy yea yea.
we like it raw!!!!
wu tang aint nutting ........
PSA is not in a service business like others that you compared to, their job is to grade the cards, not sell them.
Sorry preownedautos, NO DEAL!!!!!!
<< <i>! You are suppossed to "role out the carpet for them", not try every way possible to piss them off. >>
They made a 90/10 deal with the Devil: for every 9 happy customers, they p-o one guy so he commits the Deadly Sin of Wrath.
WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25
Re-read the original post. His complaint was about their customer service issues (not contacting him while his submission set on some shelf and then being lied to), not the actual service they perform. All I am saying is that I am POSITIVE their customer service would get a lot better if they weren't paid until they performed the service. If they were waiting on payment, do you really think his submission would have set there for a week? Certainly not! They would have contacted him immediately in order to process his order faster so that they could get paid faster. However, just the opposite is true. They already has his money so they just don't care.
And I see your point about seeing the grades and then deciding whether or not to pay for the order based on those grades. However, they could still do it and not disclose the grades until after the payment is made. After all, they are performing a service and should be paid whether we agree with the grades or not.
I feel a ***POOF** afoot.....
<< <i>psafan,
Re-read the original post. His complaint was about their customer service issues (not contacting him while his submission set on some shelf and then being lied to), not the actual service they perform. All I am saying is that I am POSITIVE their customer service would get a lot better if they weren't paid until they performed the service. If they were waiting on payment, do you really think his submission would have set there for a week? Certainly not! They would have contacted him immediately in order to process his order faster so that they could get paid faster. However, just the opposite is true. They already has his money so they just don't care.
And I see your point about seeing the grades and then deciding whether or not to pay for the order based on those grades. However, they could still do it and not disclose the grades until after the payment is made. After all, they are performing a service and should be paid whether we agree with the grades or not. >>
Actually that's not true either. They would not have charged his card yet as the proper amount of shipping had not been added in, hence waiting for the authorization. I had that happen once, I calculated the >100 items shipping incorrectly and it sat on a problem shelf. My card wasn't charged until I gave them written authorization via email (by the way, stay on the phone with them for this to make sure they "get" it). That's when my card was charged. So while they actually do have a good reason for getting issues like that resolved as quickly as possible, they are not getting paid prior to it being resolved.
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!
Role out the Red Carpet huh ???
That is so funny in so many ways . . .
<< <i>I feel a ***POOF** afoot..... >>
It's Negative 10- 7 -14 time . .
That is a good point. I guess you really couldn't charge the credit card until you knew the entire amount to charge. He didn't say (unless I overlooked it) whether he paid by check, money order or credit card. Now, I see why they wouldn't charge your credit card, but do you think they would have deposited his check or money order if he paid by one of those methods instead?
However, I still like the suggestion of not paying before the service is performed. Isn't that the way MOST service oriented businesses are ran? Dry cleaners, restaurant, body/mechanic shop, etc
Having said that, had you originally paid the proper S/H, you wouldn't have this headache.
I know first hand. See post psa/dna ..clowns???
<< <i>Since you made a error it cancels out theirs. Score 0-0 >>
But it seems to me that their "customer service" is always lacking. I know I got fed up with being treated as if I didn't exist...
And the whole point with my post was that I think PSA could do a little bit better job of treating their customers like customers and try and be helpful, courteous, and respectful when problems arise. PSA is the best for sure, but I just get frustrated when I get 2-3 different stories from them when I call to inquire about a holdup, and not even a "We apologize" when they mess up. That's all. Not bashing PSA for any other reason.
"I have a split personality, and he is a regular SOB"
Piss poor customer service all around.
Greg M.
Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
<< <i>In response to the guys saying that because I made a mistake that makes their (PSA's) mistake okay, try sending in 8-10 different signed items (baseballs, glossy photos, lithos, etc.) for PSA/DNA Authentication and get the proper return shipping on the form (there are 3 different rate sheets that you have to interpret and it's much more difficult than on a regular card PSA order where you look up the total items and declared value to determine the return shipping fee). Guys that have sent stuff in before will know what I'm referring to.
And the whole point with my post was that I think PSA could do a little bit better job of treating their customers like customers and try and be helpful, courteous, and respectful when problems arise. PSA is the best for sure, but I just get frustrated when I get 2-3 different stories from them when I call to inquire about a holdup, and not even a "We apologize" when they mess up. That's all. Not bashing PSA for any other reason. >>
Me ? If so, I have not or never have been a PSA member, just so others dont think Im a PSA suckup.
Agreed their customer service should be better. From the many complaints I read about. But its not and theres no guarantee that they will be nice, helpful, etc.. The only option is complain, roll with it or stop sending them your money. I wouldnt hold your breath for a apology though. Rarely hear those anymore. Usually you get a "yeah ok" or "my bad" or "those packs were ok, you 35+ people are wrong". LOL
Good Luck,
you're story is insane!
i believe the horror stories about psa, but can only hope the learning curve of 100% customer satisfaction begins to overshadow the "PSA" name and reputation.
it's a big business no doubt, but big business can run effeciently when it comes to dealing w/ customers.
I agree with you 100% it was his fault because he made the mistake. He admitted in the original post that he filled out the paperwork incorrectly and he’s not denying that. However, we ALL make mistakes whether it’s filling out paperwork incorrectly or whatever. His complaint is how PSA handled his mistake. They just threw it over the fence and didn’t do anything with it until he pointed it out to them. Then he was lied to about them not even receiving the package. Had PSA contacted him once they first realized his mistake, he would have taken care of it immediately and he never would have posted the message.
Look at it this way: Let’s say you bought an item from me on eBay that totaled $97.50. You mail me a check, but accidentally write $79.50 instead. I get the check and rather than contacting you and pointing out the mistake, I just don’t say anything until you contact me. Realistically, you wouldn’t even realize it for probably a couple of weeks because you would just assume there was no problem and that your item was in the mail. Once you found out that I was holding your item because you made a mistake you would be pissed off at me for not contacting you about the mistake, right?. That’s his complaint! He is pissed off at them for not contacting him and how it was handled.
They are likely being scared off by the anti-PSA posters such as yourself.
Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
I found a hot dot at HEB that's like the ones I had in NYC!!!
Where ya been?
Nice to hear from you.
<< <i>Bottom line: Their CS dept. needs revamping pronto!! I cant believe the PSA apologist around here didn't verbally be-head you. They must be on vacation....... >>
Unbelievable. I agree completley. Their CS is absolutely, 100%, PATHETIC. No clue how to run a business.
<< <i>"I cant believe the PSA apologist around here didn't verbally be-head you."
They are likely being scared off by the anti-PSA posters such as yourself.
Mark >>
They don't have to be scared....just tolerant of those who don't ALWAYS feel PSA hung the moon.