does anybody know who builds websites

i am looking to have a website built. should be pretty simple., i.e. box categories for each sport, a category for singles and a category for coins. i would need a shopping cart feature with checkout capability. if anyone does this or knows someone who does, email me at or pm me here. thanks.
PayPal has a simple, free shopping cart plug-in.
These are two popular FREE open source catalog/shopping carts:
OS Commerce
Zen Cart
If you don't want to go it alone, PM me and I'll see if I can help you out.
Forget blocking him; find out where he lives and go punch him in the nuts. --WalterSobchak 9/12/12
Looking for Al Hrabosky and any OPC Dave Campbells (the ESPN guy)
Allen & Ginter Cards
My Blog -- Ballcard Mania
I actually build sites for a living. If you want contact me at 403-240-4711. Here is my portfolio: