Should have no problem buying an authenticated ball on e-bay. He has done a ton of signings. Usually around $100-$120. Right now, however, I'd imagine they're selling at a slight premium given the Bonds/record shennanigan's going on.
Someone has a signed 8x10 on the Buy/Sell/Trade board right now. I know you said you wanted a ball though. Gotta have a Hammerin' Hank in your collection, nice gift for the kid too!
I have not seen Aaron do a card show, he was a pretty good signer IP back in the day.
I know Steiner has done multiple signings (public & private) with Aaron....They may be a bit pricey but authenticity isn't an issue...He was just with them on Long Island doing a public signing last week I believe.
Successful dealings with Wcsportscards94558, EagleEyeKid, SamsGirl214, Volver, DwayneDrain, Oaksey25, Griffins, Cardfan07, Etc.
I have not seen Aaron do a card show, he was a pretty good signer IP back in the day.
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!