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Best pull of my life

Although I'm more into vintage cards, I'm like everyone else who loves the thrill of ripping open packs. I'm always that sucker who buys a box for around a hundred bucks (give or take) and ends up with 75% of a cheesy base set and 7 or 8 dollars worth of crappy game used cards (usually someone from the Packers or White Sox, my 2 most hated teams)(Obvious Cubs and Bears fan). Anyways back to my story. A couple of years ago I found a comic book store in the town which I work. Not having any interest in comic books I went in anyways to check it out. The store owner was a very unique fella but extremely friendly none the less. In this tiny store I located a couple boxes of hobby pack from random sports and companies. I asked the owner what the prices were on the packs and he advised "you don't want those." My inquiring mind asked "why not?" The owner advised kids (and a few adults) come in all the time and fondle the packs to obtain the game used. I thanked the owner for his honesty and asked why he allows people to continue with this practice. He advised if it gets people back into collecting its worth it. Astonished by this answer I gained even more respect for this guy. At this time I observed a box of 2005 Leaf Certified Materials Baseball with only 3 packs left in it. Knowing that it was completely picked over I thought maybe I'll pull a numbered insert, rookie or possibly an auto. I asked the owner what he wanted for the last 3 packs since they weren't priced. He said "how about 50 cents a pack?" I suppose I don't have to tell you guys my answer. I quickly burned the buck and a half and thanked him for his kindness.

I get out to my car and begin to drive home. Usually I would have opened them in the store or immediately when I got in my car, but knowing they were picked over it wasn't that exciting. While stuck in traffic I reached over and grabbed a pack. Ripped it open expecting a Paul Konerko insert numbered to 15,000 or similar garbage, but didn't even get that. Just base cards and a pretty white cardboard insert. Same with the next. At this point traffic started moving and didn't get the opportunity to open the last. Finally I arrive home and crack open the last. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the first and only Ruth card I've ever pulled. A Biography insert Game Used bat of Babe Ruth. Although very excited I couldn't believe it wasn't numbered (I know, it sounds awfully greedy for a 50 cent purchase but I've waited a long time for this moment). Also being a Yankee fan, I was a little disappointed that the Babe was in a Red Sox uniform. I called a buddy to tell him of my purchase/pull. He advised that the cards are numbered, they are 1/1's. I argued with him for a few minutes until looking them up on ebay. I guess he was right, they are listed by career home run numbers. For example, the number the bat is shaped like is the number of the career home run. (i.e. if it is 100, it was his career home run number 100). Well this changed my excitement tremendously. You guessed it I pulled number 3!!!!!!! Babe's jersey number.

Finally my patience paid off. I laugh at the pack feelers who passed up on this pack.



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