Dogs are a necessity but I have had too many dumb ones to be that attached. They are just a bit too needy. I prefer the practiced indifference one can only get from a cat, much more independent animals.
We seem to have a habit of having the strays adopt us. A female showed up last year seriously underweight and we of course not wanting to see it starve started feeding it. Well of course this spring every wild cat out here where we live had a go at her and sure enough she had six kittens (one of them didn't make it) about three weeks ago.
We currently have our hands full.
Called the local shelter when they were born to see if they could take them and they just got back to us yesterday and the answer is no. They currently have a large amount of kittens and they have become sick and they told us that they are probably going to have to put them down.
All I can hope for is when they are old enough that I will put a free sign out and see if anyone wants them.
I prefer cats. They seem to cause less damage once declawed and have more common sense than dogs. Example: Our cats do their business in a litter box and cover it up. When my Father-in-laws dog comes to visit he digs it out and dines.
<< <i>I prefer cats. They seem to cause less damage once declawed and have more common sense than dogs. Example: Our cats do their business in a litter box and cover it up. When my Father-in-laws dog comes to visit he digs it out and dines. >>
I've got one of those "connoisseurs".
I figured that I could make my fortune if I could come up with a use for cat cr@p. Maybe I could market it as organic, gourmet dog treats.
hamster. cost less (under $50 year). can live 2+ years. won't save your life if your house is being robbed but neither will a cat, and questionable on some dogs. also easier to clean and as smart as some dogs that i have seen.
I have a mother-in-law that lives in our home. She is high maintanence, eats alot, occassionally misses the pot, moody, and most important doesn't understand humans. Other than that she's okay. I just wish she would sleep outside at nights. We don't need pets as we also have 5 sons . plus her. Maybe I should have been a zoo keeper.
" In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
I much prefer Dogs Cats are too full of themselves... currently though I have IKE a Chinchilla.... she's going on 9 years old! she loves people...very tame, will make a barking noise if annoyed... loves raisins, uncooked macaroni, wood, paper and hay... and bathes in fine volcanic dust....
I like both, but have a preference for cats. Easier to care for, and if they have the right personality they're pretty cool animals. Pound for pound, a cat can whip a dog. As I type this, our extremely large (but not fat) cat Ike is laying here in front of the monitor. He walks on a leash and likes to ride in the car.........more like a dog than a cat. I can walk around the house with him hanging on my shoulder.
Ron Burgundy
Buying Vintage, all sports. Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
I really enjoy both but I give the edge to cats. When I had my dog it was like having a child. Couldnt go out and crap without you, ate everything in her dish at once, and if I had to go somewhere and couldnt take her with me I had to find a "sitter". The cat I just leave out a bunch of food and water and a clean litter box. I can leave for a couple of days and not even worry. So, I guess you could say I like their independence but they make a great friend to hang out with too....depending on their personality of course. Don't get me wrong, my dog was awesome. The sweetest Golden Retriever you ever had met. Poor girl died from an undetected tumor on her spleen that ruptured. Not even a dog deserves to die that way. Regardless, I have put off on another dog for the time being due to my schedule. Probably won't be long and I will get another.
I also have a bird. He's a pretty cool little guy. Only a parakeet I thought I was being stuck with some annoying noisemaker but he talks, plays fetch, and does other cool little tricks...those parakeets are really smart little buggers and easy/cheap to take care of also. Of course him and the cat don't play!
There is a saying that goes something to the effect of, unlike dogs cats will never take orders but occasionally listen and respond to suggestions.
No offense to any dog owners on here. I love all animals and have owned plenty.
Oh, just one rule though...if your dog doesnt weigh more than the average cat it cant really be classified as a dog. Its more of a loud toy that you have to feed and walk !
"The other teams could make trouble for us if they win." -- Yogi Berra
I have a dog but I do like cats as my girlfriend has two. My dog has spoiled me with his behavior ever since he was a pup. He was very easy to train and never wrecked anything. Dogs are loyal and that is great, however sometimes the independence of a cat is nice also.
As pets both are great.
In my chow mein, cat is more tender according to my local Chinese food vendor Mr. Wong.
But this little guy is a joy:
It's nice having a dog that runs around and "speaks" with a Mexican accent.
1909-11 T206's
1955 Topps AA Football
Nate Colbert (Padres)
<< <i>We do both - plus gerbils, tropical fish & koi.
But this little guy is a joy:
It's nice having a dog that runs around and "speaks" with a Mexican accent. >>
wow dude, i have a dog that looks almost exactly like yours.. ill have to dig around and see if i have a picture anywhere..
We currently have our hands full.
Called the local shelter when they were born to see if they could take them and they just got back to us yesterday and the answer is no. They currently have a large amount of kittens and they have become sick and they told us that they are probably going to have to put them down.
All I can hope for is when they are old enough that I will put a free sign out and see if anyone wants them.
Miscut Museum
My Mess
<< <i>I prefer cats. They seem to cause less damage once declawed and have more common sense than dogs. Example: Our cats do their business in a litter box and cover it up. When my Father-in-laws dog comes to visit he digs it out and dines.
I've got one of those "connoisseurs".
I figured that I could make my fortune if I could come up with a use for cat cr@p. Maybe I could market it as organic, gourmet dog treats.
"Molon Labe"
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
I also have a bird. He's a pretty cool little guy. Only a parakeet I thought I was being stuck with some annoying noisemaker but he talks, plays fetch, and does other cool little tricks...those parakeets are really smart little buggers and easy/cheap to take care of also. Of course him and the cat don't play!
here's one of my dogs.. looks just like jskirwins..
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
More independent.
There is a saying that goes something to the effect of, unlike dogs cats will never take orders but occasionally listen and respond to suggestions.
No offense to any dog owners on here. I love all animals and have owned plenty.
Oh, just one rule though...if your dog doesnt weigh more than the average cat it cant really be classified as a dog. Its more of a loud toy that you have to feed and walk !
-- Yogi Berra
Here is my colebear