OT: Paypal shipping labels

Well I've finally decided that I'm sick of printing off the paypal shipping label on a sheet of 8.5 x 11, cutting it and taping it to the package. I thought I've seen this topic on here before but I can't find it. How does everyone do this? Is there a specific type of label I need to buy so that I can just print off the paypal label then peel and stick it to the package? Anything special that needs to be done on the paypal site when I'm about to print it off? Thanks in advance.
$13.00 for 25 sheets up here in Toronto.
The only trouble is sticking the whole big thing to smaller packages.
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However, I went on eBay and bought a used Zebra LP2844 (also Eltron) label printer for $125.00. You can either open up a UPS or FedEx account and order labels from them, or you can check eBay where there are guys selling boxes of 16 rolls of labels for 4 .99 plus shipping of $10-20. I thought this was too good to be true until I got the box and saw he just ordered from his own UPS account to ship directly to me. Cost to him - zero.
The printer can be attached to your PC via USB or 9-pin serial cable, drivers are available from Zebra. You might have to clean up the unit a bit like I did but it's so easy to print the label, peel off the back and slap the label on the envelope or package. Looks very professional too and by using the labels you by pass the package smashing...er...stamp cancelling machines.
One thing if you go this route make sure the label printer is a direct printing model, NOT thermal which requires separate ink rolls.
I don't know if you are using a laser printer or an inkjet printer? I use a laser printer and what I have been doing is buying Avery 8 1/2 x 11" laser labels #5265 (25 sheets, 1 8 1/2 x 11" label per sheet). The package says they are "jam & smudge free", so I assume the smudge free helps them from smearing during shipment.
What I do is print a Paypal shipping label (it prints on the top half of the sheet) and then peel back the printed half and cut it off to use it (but I leave the wax backing paper there so it will feed right the next time). The next time I need a label, I turn the sheet around and print on the other half that is left (the bottom now becomes the top that gets printed on). This works well for me and I get 2 labels off of every sheet or 50 from every package (hotmush may want to try this so he doesn't have to stick the whole big label to small packages). That runs about 25 cents per label. But like I said, I'm going to buy the Avery #5126 package next time (100 sheets per package, 2 labels per sheet) because that will get it down to about 21 cents per label and be more convenient.
- John Wooden
<< <i>I use Paypal shipping too and I know what you are looking to do. So far I haven't bought a label that perfectly fits their label shape, but I think there is one that I'm going to try. The next time I need a package of labels, I'm going to buy the Avery #5126 labels because I think they are the right ones. Until then, here's what I do.
I don't know if you are using a laser printer or an inkjet printer? I use a laser printer and what I have been doing is buying Avery 8 1/2 x 11" laser labels #5265 (25 sheets, 1 8 1/2 x 11" label per sheet). The package says they are "jam & smudge free", so I assume the smudge free helps them from smearing during shipment.
What I do is print a Paypal shipping label (it prints on the top half of the sheet) and then peel back the printed half and cut it off to use it (but I leave the wax backing paper there so it will feed right the next time). The next time I need a label, I turn the sheet around and print on the other half that is left (the bottom now becomes the top that gets printed on). This works well for me and I get 2 labels off of every sheet or 50 from every package (hotmush may want to try this so he doesn't have to stick the whole big label to small packages). That runs about 25 cents per label. But like I said, I'm going to buy the Avery #5126 package next time (100 sheets per package, 2 labels per sheet) because that will get it down to about 21 cents per label and be more convenient. >>
Very good suggestions by all. Much appreciated. I'm wondering though isn't there paypal/USPS tracking info on the other half of the sheet opposite the shipping label? Or do you just not print that out?
Hope this helps.
Strangely enough, if you hit "print a sample label" with Paypal, it prints the label on the top half and some instructions, etc. on the bottom half. But if you just hit "print label", it only prints the label itself on the top half.
- John Wooden
I have the UPS labels as well, they have smartened up and print ups on them now so people won't sell them but I think you can cut off the ups if you still want to use them , I haven't tried as I actually use them for my ups stuff