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A question about Teletrade.

When an upcoming auction is announced and displayed and the lots are viewable, will other lots be added to that auction up until the actual start of the auction or do they have a cutoff date?

I hope that made sense?


  • jdsinvajdsinva Posts: 1,508
    I believe in most instances, what you see is all there will be for a particular auction group.


    Semper ubi sub ubi
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    when a new auction is posted, all lots are shown

    photos are frquently added the next xouple days to those lots
  • Thank you for the information.
  • Also, 99% of the time, when an auction is 1st put up, those lots that already have pix up are lots that are recycled ( did not sell in a previous auction), or returns, or were sold and then re-consigned.

    The pix that are added a few days later are the fresh stuff.
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