Home Metal Detecting

So have you found enough to pay for the metal detector??

I am starting to become interested in metal detecting. I know that most people don't get into to make alot of money, but how many of you guys have found enough "treasure" to compensate you for the money and time you have put into it?? I am not slamming this as a hobby, because I have put tons of time and money into things that I didn't expect to pay off financially. Just a question that I wanted to ask. Thanks in advance.
Out of every hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior and he will bring the others back.--Heraclitus, 5 B.C.


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    Maybe some of these guys who have been at it a while; CrockofCoins has probably built an empire with his finds. I, on the other hand, am not even close. I have probably $1,200.00 into my metal detector and have found maybe $50.00 worth of coins and other finds.

    Not only am I completely satisfied with my piddly-ante finds, but am trying to get my son involved.
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    Just like any tool-Learn how to use it.
    I have paid for my metal detector in just clad in the first 6 months with the mxt.
    The more I use it the better I get. Then there is reseach
    for older places to hunt. That's the key finding great finds,
    like key date & semi-key coins. And then there are relic-.....
    It's hard to put a price tag on the total amount $ I have dug,
    but if I had to guess $3,000-$5,000 worth.
    Then think about the other benefits you receive. Exercise, loose weight, fresh air, and
    bring home you honey a diamond ring you just found.
    So what do you think? is it worth it!

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    phutphut Posts: 1,087
    Equipment.....paid for many times over.
    Time.....not in cash, but it's a hobby and it's hard to put a value on all the extras that BoxTopp mentioned.
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    >>built an empire <<
    LOL.... Thanks..I think :-)

    As a hobby, I think it doe's pay back. I have over $400.00 in clad this year.
    My grand son has more Hot Wheels cars/trucks than any kid on the block :-)

    Jewelry===That is another story. My wife gets them.

    I just sold my 35 silver rounds back to my local club, along with 70 silver dimes = about $300.00 in total. That's two years of silver from club meetings. We get a silver dime for each of four displays. A silver round for the best of each display.

    I never got that from fishing or hunting. Bowling cost me $$$. Racing cars/motorcycles, cant even add that up.

    Fun with the family=Pricel$$ :-)

    Yes it pays!!!!

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    pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,795 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have paid for mine. I have gotten several free dinners for finding peoples rings. A car dealer paid for some repairs for finding his boundary markers. I have more fun detecting than paying to go to a Pro Ball game and you NEVER know what you will find.
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    for me its the thrill of the hunt, not knowing whats comes next. another, is slowly piecing my local history together. owning a detector has lead to other things, like bottle digging. both have helped me earn some valuables. bottle digging led me to finding a rare pot lid worth $400. through detecting i've come to find some nice coins as well. i have dug almost every "S" mint marked barber dime, some of those are quite valuable. one of my rarer coins is an 1872cc dime.

    a friend of mine just dug 2 gold coins about a week or so ago.
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    PghpetePghpete Posts: 203 ✭✭✭
    I probably have found enough stuff to pay for my detector in the past 10 yrs since I've bought it. As for the time spent - it never comes into the equation. Treasue hunting is my chance to get out of the house and be by myself. I usually bring along a cigar and just let all of life's usual "noise" stay at home. I'll tell ya, whether it's finding an abandoned house, a hidden park, a demolition or sidewalk reconstruction site -the anticipation of potentially finding a coin/relic that hasn't seen the light of day for many years sends my pulse racing everytime. When that silver coin pops out, you know instantly that it's silver because it's usually white compared to the clad coins. When you dig up that ring or bracelet, and you see the gold - is it real? What about that diamond or ruby setting - is that real? The moment or two when you examine the find and determine its composition, the anticipation can't be described. That sense of solitude and anticipation can happen to you too - if you give a try. Join us, won't you? Peace, Out!
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    DockwalliperDockwalliper Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭
    With that gold chain I got in Oct I would say I'm even on the money I put into equipment.

    If your looking to get piad for the time you spend you need to get a job not a hobby.
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    i have been at this great hobby for 13 mos....i have found almost $600.00 in clad coins, just sold a few pieces of found gold (scrap prices) and collected almost $400.00 for it..... basically my finds have paid for both of my machines, an ace 250 and a beach hunter id.....i'm more than satisfied.....you get from this hobby, what you put into it....do the research, put in the time and it just might pay off for you.....i am hoping to find enough loot by june to purchase my third detector, a minelab excalibur..... should be no problem???....i need a couple of storms to remove some sand from my area beaches, c'mon nor'easters!.......good luck and happy hunting
    "see ya at the beach"
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    I've only been detecting since August. I have found 449 coins for a grand total of $26.64. My detector cost $765 so needless to say I have a ways to go. Now I've found some silver jewlery, but not enough to make a dent in the cost so it's not worth trying to sell for the silver content.. LOL
    However, my goal is to pay off the detector and then I'll feel like Im in the 'black'....:image
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    Coming from the mecca of detecting...the UK, I probably find enough to buy a new detector every month. Unfortunately the cost of living in the UK is high and with wife, 5 kids and 3 grandchildren, most of the cash from finds I do sell is soon swallowed up. image
    Me? I'm perfectly balanced...got a chip on both shoulders!
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    lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,430 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>So have you found enough to pay for the metal detector?? >>

    With my last detector, yes. About four and a half times over.

    Of course, it took a long time.

    But just one of my finds paid for the machine twice over.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
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    Yep......sure have....
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    I have had 2 top of the line detectors from Garrett, both have paid for themselves many times over. From a cash box of silver dollars (pre 1900)
    dug on Galveston Island to a Rolex watch out of a swimming hole. I would take nothing for the sheer relaxation and honest satisfaction
    that this hobby has brought to me since the early 70's.
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    << <i> I have had 2 top of the line detectors from Garrett, both have paid for themselves many times over >>

    Love them success stories...
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    For me, my first season of detecting [Ace 250] was a resounding success.
    In clad alone I found over $500 worth. Various necklaces, rings and trinkets at least a couple $100 more, and old coins/relics a couple $100 more.
    To put a thick later of icing on that cake, I found a diamond studded gold cross which I recently had appraised for $1,600 as detailed here
    http://forums.collectors.com/messageview.cfm?catid=28&threadid=444147 if that link still works.
    So yeah, a total of about $300 in detecting equipment was easily paid for.
    As far as time,gas ect .... I don't really calclulate that at all.
    I'm with demodigger - The thrill of the hunt and stalking history is priceless.
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