Home Metal Detecting

"Wildcard" find in change!

I was on my way to work the morning of the 22nd, when I stopped for my usual coffee and a muffin at a local gas station. I handed the clerk 2 dollars and was excited to hear the pronounced ring of a silver coin! As I walked back to my truck I was amazed to see it was a quarter, figuring one of the dimes I was handed was the silver one! It's a well worn 1942!


BTW I'm having Roadrunner installed on Monday so I should be back full time! image


Edited to reduce original oversized pics!
Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!


  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    HEY I accidentally spent that the other morning at some gas station!image

  • << <i>HEY I accidentally spent that the other morning at some gas station!image >>

    You could have at least spent a Chain cent! image
    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • imageLOLZ!!!
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  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,479 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nicely done! I got seven cents in change yesterday- a nickel and two pennies- and one of the pennies was a 1944 Wheatie. Hardly worth more than the one cent it circulated as, but it was a decent looking one and made me smile.

    Silver would've made me smile even bigger.

    How ya been, John? I've missed y'all during some of my absences.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Nice find image even with all my change finds I've never got a silver quarter so you did great for eyeballing it and not using it for chips.
  • phutphut Posts: 1,087

    << <i> I handed the clerk 2 dollars and was excited to hear the pronounced ring of a silver coin! >>

    image Gotta love that sound.
  • Nice going GR,alway's a good way to get some silverimageHH,Tom
  • Nice find!
  • Nice find!
    Once, I was at a store, and there was a Coin Star machine there. I was board, so I checked if anything was in the coin return slot. To my surprise, I found 1917 and 1915 wheaties.
    Happy Hunting!image
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